통탄 (야만)
- 분쇄로 주는 피해 [100-150%] 증가

분노의 방패 (성전)
- 이제 최대 20회의 중첩 한도가 적용됩니다.

버그 수정
1. 정의셋 (수도 신셋)
 - 폭풍 질주 (동요) 캔슬 시에 6피스 증뎀을 못 받는 버그를 수정했습니다 (콘솔 버그는 못잡았답니다)
2. 협만 절단기 (야만)
 - 아이템의 효과가 대지 강타 뿐만 아니라 모든 데미지를 증가시키는 버그를 수정했습니다.
3. 원 킴 라우 (수도 신옵션 주먹무기)
 - 폭풍 질주 (전기장) 채널링시에 해탈이 텔레포트를 시키는 버그를 수정했습니다.


  • Lamentation 437
    • Now increases the damage of Rend by [100-150%]
    • Developer's Note: As we've indicated in forum posts, we overshot on Lamentation's original implementation during the 2.6.7 PTR. However, we also very much undershot the overall balance of Rend/Whirlwind's adjustments by removing this bonus completely. After reading a ton of your feedback and completing our own internal testing, we've settled on a middle ground we believe reaches the balance level we were shooting for.
  • Shield of Fury 765
    • The benefit of this item now stacks up to a cap of 20
    • Developer's Note: As many of you noted coming out of our 2.6.7 update, we also overshot on Crusader with the live patch. We love to see Crusader performing much better with it's new set, and this cap should reign in damage to a more reasonable level


  • Patterns of Justice
    • Fixed an issue where the Tempest Rush Flurry rune attack did not benefit from the 6-Piece bonus when cancelling Tempest Rush (PC Only)
      • Developer's Note: We were unable to resolve this for 2.6.7a for Console; however, it is slated to be fixed on Console in a future patch.
  • Fjord Cutter 86
    • Fixed an issue where Fjord Cutter was increasing all damage to slowed or chilled enemies instead of just Seismic Slam damage
  • Won Khim Lau 61
    • Fixed a bug where Epiphany would trigger teleporting while channeling Tempest Rush (Electric Field) when Won Khim Lau was equipped