The seven-day analysis is below.  Please note that while I try to cover all heroes, not all heroes are in need of in-depth analysis of their changes, so some heroes may have short summaries or may even be omitted entirely.  Also, be aware that the contents of this section are primarily my own opinion of the changes, albeit backed with data.  If you disagree, feel free to explain why in the comments below.

1) Alexstrasza's buffs have led to a slight increase in overall win rate.  The most likely culprit is the cooldown reduction on Abundance, since Life-Binder is still outpicked by Cleansing Flame on a nearly two-to-one basis.  This should allow her to perform slightly better on the healing front, though it changes little about how she plays, so her natural counters (like Ana's grenade) will remain strong.

2) Illidan's Metamorphosis remains the weaker-performing pick.  Despite buffs, The Hunt still remains the higher overall win rate (at nearly a 49%) and takes up the bulk of the pick rate (66%).  Given that his pick and ban rates didn't shift much, it's very likely that the drop in his win rate is due to people picking Metamorphosis more often and losing games with it.

3) Imperius's changes result in a net increase in win rate, though the impact on individual talents isn't as positive.  Bulwark of Flame, for example, remains far weaker on the performance side vs Battle Hunger at Lvl 4 (45% vs 49%).  Similar results can be seen for Flash of Anger (46% vs 50%) and Heat of Battle (46% vs 51%), both still under-performing by comparison to other talents.  Valorous Pursuit is doing considerably better, but the sampling is too low to verify how much better.

4) Jaina sees a decrease in win rate due to reductions to her baseline damage.  Frostbolt lost about 3% of its damage, and Cone of Cold about 4%.  While these may not seem very large, Frostbolt builds are common in the early game and this lower damage will, in turn, make it take slightly longer for her to reach her quest completion and get her Ice Block, so a drop in win rate is to be expected even from smaller nerfs.

5) People still play The Lost Vikings after all.  Despite a large margin of error, their win rate change has remained just a bit beyond that mark all week.  Of course, it's hard to really say much about this particular change since the pool is low enough to where a single player's Viking win streak could well account for the entire change here.

6) Zagara's change, while resulting in a decrease in win rate, is probably one for the better overall.  The original purpose of picking this talent was for the bonus damage, despite it being generally very difficult to complete in a typical game.  This change removes that bonus damage, but also shortens the quest and gives it a new, more interesting effect overall (at least in my opinion).  The talent itself is doing a bit poorly in early review (46% WR).  But the numbers can be tweaked accordingly, so I think it's a good move in the long run.

Looking for more of my work?  My last article discusses concerns about snowballing and the "passive meta" that the new changes may bring if not handled properly.  That article is located here.  Feel free to let me know your thoughts to this article in the comments section below, or on Twitter at my handle @CriticKitten.  I look forward to your replies!

저는 모든 영웅을 분석하지만, 모든 영웅들을 심도있게 분석하는 것은 아니므로
내용이 짧거나 생략할 수 있습니다.
이 글은 나의 주관적인 의견입니다.

1) 알렉스트라자는 전체 승률이 약간 상승하였습니다.
가장 큰 요인은 풍요의 재사용 대기시간 감소입니다.
알렉스트라자의 카운터인 아나의 수류탄은 여전히 강력할 것입니다.

2) 일리단의 탈태는 여전히 약한 성과를 거두고 있습니다.
사냥은 49%의 높은 승률을 유지하고 있으며, 선택률도 66%을 차지했습니다.
픽률과 밴픽률의 변화가 크지 않았다는 것을 감안하면,
일리단의 승률 하락은 탈태를 선택해서 졌을 가능성이 큽니다.

3) 임페리우스의 숙련도에 따라 미치는 영향은 긍정적이지 않지만, 
그 결과로 승률은 증가하고 있습니다.

4) 제이나는 스킬 데미지 감소로 승률이 낮아졌습니다.
얼음화살은 약 3%가 감소되었고, 냉기돌풍은 약 4%정도 감소되었습니다.
작은 수치로 여겨질 수 있지만 낮아진 데미지로 인해 얼음방패와 같은
퀘스트를 달성하기에는 시간이 더 오래걸릴 것 같습니다.

5) 사람들은 아직도 길 잃은 바이킹을 플레이 하고 있습니다.
길 잃은 바이킹 유저들은 큰 실수를 하지만, 승률의 변화는 상회하고 있습니다.
물론, 한 선수가 특별하게 잘한다고 하더라도 전체적인 변화에 대해 말하기는 

6) 자가라의 승률은 하락했지만, 전반적으로 좋은 변화라고 생각합니다.
이 특성은 추가 피해를 제거했지만, 흥미로운 것을 제공했습니다.
전반적으로 능력 자체는 부진하지만, 수치는 조정하면 되기 때문에
장기적으로 좋은 움직임라고 생각합니다.