[0.9.7/0.9.6] Voice of Red Alert 3 for World of Tanks




Red Alert 3 승무원 보이스팩 입니다.


소련보이스 버전, 일본보이스 버전 2가지네요.




Voice of the Red Alert 3 for World of Tanks 0.9.7 and 9.6 - Japanese and Soviet troops.


A new voice for the game World of Tanks was composed of the best phrases of Japanese and Soviet troops game Red Alert 3. Both voice in Russian, but in the first (the Soviets) only male voice, and the second with a Japanese female crew present a pleasant voice. Which version to use - you decide! In both cases the phrase chosen by the situation!


Besides the usual rework all of the phrases of the crew, the bundle includes a sound recharge guns, sixth sense, as well as the sounds of GUI: clicks on the map, timer and fast team. Sounds GUI when you can easily unplug for this reinstall voiceovers or copy files and gui.fev gui.fsb, or remove their ear to the already established voice acting!


How to install the voice acting - read the instructions in the archive!




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