Hi there 

Thank you for contacting Wargaming support.

We see interest in transferring servers. We have reviewed your account and confirmed that you are eligible for a transfer to the SEA region. Currently, we are in the 'information gathering and optimizing' stage of rolling out the North American Central server. This includes the 9.20 update, after which we will be able to coordinate the transfer process in September with our colleagues from the SEA offices.

We will contact you via email, and advise when we're able to begin. At that point we will ask you for a final confirmation of your opt-in.

Details of a transfer are as follows:

  • Transfers are for Asia Pacific residents only.
  • Only your WoT PC account will be moved as part of the transfer. Should you already have an existing account in the SEA region, your North American account will be merged, and you'll receive compensation for any duplicate premium vehicles.
  • This is a one way ticket. You may only return to North American servers by starting an entirely new account.
  • Your account may be suspended for up to one week to facilitate the transfer process.
  • Your social lists (Friends/Blocked) will be wiped.

To compensate you for the transfer process, we will reward you with:

  • A week’s premium time for those who transfer to Asia.
  • Plus an AUS AC1 Sentinel tank + a garage slot. If you already own a AC1, you will receive the gold equivalent.

Please feel free to visit this link for any further inquiries you may have:Frequently Asked Questions

Have a nice day!

Best Regards,

Ray Adams

Wargaming America Support

You can always check your ticket status by logging into our Support Portal: https://na.wargaming.net/support/

Please don't forget to fill out our survey once your ticket has been completed.

Wargaming Support is now on Twitter! Follow us @WargamingCS for updates and announcements. https://twitter.com/WargamingCS

Join Wargaming for an Epic Summer at the Let’s Battle Tour!
• September: Aboard the USS Lexington in Texas

결론은 지금 신청한다고 일주일 뒤에 옮겨지는게 아니라

아시아 서버 관리자들과 상의 후에 일정이 정해지면 그때 안내 메일을 보낸다는소리.

9월쯤이라고 하니 우선 티켓으로 신청 넣고 메일 올때까지 기다려야 할듯해요.

곧 9.20업데이트라 업데이트 하면서 보낼지 아니면 9.20끝나고 따로 보낼지는 모르겠네요.

계정이전은 아시아 서버에 계정이 있는경우 모든 정보가 합쳐지는 모양