요즘 출시되는 새로운 전차들(STG, lorraine 40t, nameless등) 을 열심히 몰고계신분들은 의구심이 들겁니다. 왜 XVM(인게임)과 전적검색 사이트의 레이팅 값이 다른가??

이유는 XVM이 Wn8 V29.1을 사용하고 다른 전적사이트들은 Wn8 V30을 사용하기 때문입니다. V30은 새로운 전차들의 레이팅을 반영하고, V29.1은 레이팅을 반영하지 않고 있습니다.

wn8의 점수 산출공식을 만들던 개발자들은 V29.1 이후 손을 떼었으며, V30은 개발자가 아닌 "열성적인 인물"이 신규탱크들에 기존 탱크의 값을 임의로 가져다가 입력한 결과물입니다.
그 결과 실제 탱크의 인게임 평균 기대값과 V30이 표시하는 기대값이 달라 신뢰할수 없는 지표가 되었습니다. 반면에 V29.1은 신규전차들의 레이팅 전적을 완전히 무시하고 있습니다.(새로운 전차들의 레이팅대비 기대 평균 딜량이 나오지 않는 이유도 이때문임)

한마디로 V30은 불명확하고, V29.1은 최신전차들의 레이팅을 반영하지 않습니다. (그래도 인게임보단 전적검색사이트가 더 정확할것이라고 필자는 생각합니다.)

이에 XVM은 Wn8보단 이피션시나 WN7에 중점을 두라고 말하고 있습니다. 여기서 Wn8상태가 더욱 개판이되면 아예 XVM에서 제외할 수도 있다는 예기도 있습니다.

이에 XVM측은 WN8보다 더 나은 레이팅 시스템을 도입할 것을 고려하고 있다고 합니다.

(본문 해석 오류가 있다면 댓글로 지적 부닥드립니다.)

---------------------------- 원문 --------------------------------
In recent times, the most common question about WN8 has been the difference of its values in the XVM and on the third-party sites. We repeatedly answered that questions and decided that it would be better to collect key information about the problem in one message.

One important thing you need to know before we start: We(XVM Team) are not developers of the WN8 rating and we have nothing to do with them.

Why WN8 in XVM is different from those on some third-party websites?
XVM uses table of expected values v.29.1. It's the latest available correct table. Some other websites uses table v.30, which is incorrect. It can't even be called WN8.

Why table v.30 is incorrect?
WN8 is not static formula. It also uses a table of expected values which must be collected and updated in strict accordance with the methodology which was created by WN8 developers.
Unfortunately, formula developers no longer support their expected value table.
However, there are some enthusiasts who decided to fill the table manually, but not in accordance with the methodology by WN8 developers. I.e. instead of filling the table on the basis of real statistics, they adding values "by hand", mostly copying them from other tanks.
In fact, the rating calculated on the basis of the v.30 table can not be called WN8, because the fundamental bases of the calculation are violated.

What will be with WN8 in future?
At this moment there is no answer. WN8 is dying. The values which some sites shows under "WN8" name in fact is not WN8 at all.
If in the near future no one is going to collect the correct values for WN8, it can be excluded from the XVM.
Of course, we considered collecting expected values on our side. This could solve both the problem of correctness and a rare update of the table (and therefore sharp gap in the rating with every update), but with a detailed investigation of the WN8's developers method we found out out that collecting of values cannot be fully automated and requires manual control, which is inadmissible in our case.

I'm used WN8 for a long time. Which rating should I look at now?
In addition to WGR, EFF, WN6 also pay attention to the xTE rating.
But as well as before, we do not recommend a certain rating, but leave this choice for you.
The current WN8 values in the XVM are also still correct for the absolute majority of players, but do not take into account the results on some new vehicles.
We're also looking for a ratings which are not suffering from the disadvantages of WN8, and we can consider adding them to the mod.