Hey Clashers!

Think your Master Builder has built you the best Builder Hall? Are you ready to test his mettle against the rest of the world? We are proud to announce the Builder Hall level 6 global competition, hosted here in Helsinki, Finland. What better way to show the newest Builder Hall features than by having the top players clashing for prize money?

8 Clashers Enter, 1 Clasher Leaves…
At the end of the current season, we will be hand-selecting 4 players from the world’s top Clans to challenge 4 YouTubers in an elimination-style competition for the following prize pool*:

  • 1st Place: €10,000
  • 2nd Place: €5,000
  • 3rd Place: €3,000
  • 4th Place: €2,000

*Winners assume all responsibilities for any applicable taxes and fees

Think you have what it takes?
In order to qualify for selection, players must meet the following criteria:
  • Player accounts must be in good standing
  • Be of legal age
  • Must have a valid passport and any other documents necessary for traveling to Finland.
  • Must be able to fly to and remain in Finland from June 25th, 2017 to June 30th, 2017
  • Must be able to communicate in English

Players who have been selected will be notified through the Clash of Clans Inbox, so keep an eye out to see if you have been selected! Airfare and hotel lodgings will be provided by Supercell.

Selected players must accept and sign Supercell’s official tournament rules prior to taking part in the competition.

Clash on!


1. 2017년 7월 1일 핀란드 헬싱키에서 장인 기지 인비테이셔널 토너먼트가 열림.
 (아래 참가 조건 보니 실제 경기는 6월 25일~6월 30일에 진행되고 방송만 7월 1일에 하는 듯)
2. 이 글로벌 토너먼트는 장인 회관 6레벨로 진행됨.
3. 4명의 유튜버와 4명의 일반 플레이어(이번 시즌 말 세계 상위 클랜에서 선발). 총 8명의 플레이어 출전. 

출처: 슈퍼셀 공식 포럼