두가지 건의인데 하나는 스킨을 히오스처럼 캐릭터 선택창에서 고를수있게해주는거고
또하나는 지금의 무쓸모한 음성대사를 유저가 원하는 상황에 맞춰서 출력하게 해주는거(적을 죽였을때라던가 특정상황에 원하는 음성대사가 자동으로 출력되는식)

Please let me choose a skin on the character selection screen.
Like Heroes of the Storm.
Every time I change the skin, I go to the Hero Gallery and change one of them. It is inconvenient because there are too many depths and it is hard to change it depending on my mood.
After starting the game, the character selection screen "Oh! I was going to change the skin." This situation is repeated many times.
Then I just skip the skin without changing it.
The number of skins will increase, but it will not change much because of the inconvenience, and it feels meaningless to continue collecting skins.
Now, many people do not care about skins.

Is not it time to improve UI?

In addition, I would like to see improvement in the "voice dialogue", which all seem to useless.
The low value of the current "voice dialogue" is too low practicality.
Instead of registering up to four things you do not want to use forever, let the user select the dialogue that will be presented according to the situation.
For example, if you select a situation and set up a situation like "Metabolism that comes out of killing an enemy" the value of "voice dialogue" seems to be much higher.

번역기로 얼기설기해서 좀 부자연스럽긴함.