A CHINESE woman who knew she was infected with the deadly coronavirus has disguised 

her symptoms by deliberately taking antipyretics and successfully boarded a plane to France. 

She then bragged about her actions online in photographs with friends 

she met on arrival, according to Chinese media sources.

간단요약 : 

코로나바이러스 걸린 여자가 열이나니깐 해열제 왕창 때리고 중국을 벗어나서

프랑스행 비행기타고 

프랑스가서 좀 놀다가 친구들에게 자랑질 하다 걸렸다 뭐 이런내용 

에이즈 걸린넘이 주사기에 자기 피 채워서 사람 오염시켰던거 생각나네 
