Shadowlands Alpha Human Eyes and Makeup Character Customization - Build 33978

One of the promised changes in Shadowlands was the addition of new character customizations. First up, we're demonstrating new eye colors for Humans and makeup for Female Humans!

Although we are using Humans for this post, these additions might be usable for other races with similar eye textures.

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New Eye Colors

Some of the new eye variations include blind eyes and even eyes with heterochromia! It is worth noting that you can change the eye colors without changing your face type.


Female Human Makeup

Female Humans can also have makeup with eyeshadow and lipstick.

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Sign In to Post a Comment24 Comments
Pretty sweet stuff. I look forward to seeing just how much can be customized!
Woot. Hooker makeup!
Oof, that makeup looks... uh. Bad.
my blind priest fantasies are about to come true
Thanks for the datamining and hard work today! I think this post should probably mention that these eyes and make-up looks might be usable/intended for other races.
That's a good step in the right direction. Although we should have much more options for customization than this in a game that is 15 years old.
Why do the women look like hookers?
Incoming all the !@#$mog floozies
Being able to play as a Blind Male Human?, Yes dude!

Could be a good RP customization!, for example something in Legion made you blind, if it was Fel / Light / Void, but keeps on fighting, Im all down for that :p

Can already see the Female Humans with Eye shadows being all around Goldshire Inn on Argent Dawn [EU] & Moonguard [NA] x'D
Hell yeah we can finally change our eye color and keep our face? Awesome
Looks good but should of started with blood elves. We want to see them sweet high elf eyes to destroy the lives of helf for alliance people
Yay, Emo girls in Warcraft! Finally!
Last edited by Wepstar 22 minutes ago
I think the purple eyes on all of these examples are throwing off the makeup look. It will look toned down if you select a more neutral eyeball colour.
Only the girls can wear makeup? How sexist.
That make-up makes her look like a prostitute. What on earth?
Definitely going for blind eyes.

Somebody after I done something stupid: "what are you doing man? Are you blind?"

Me: "well no, but yes."
I'm no expert, but that eye shadow is a bit...much.
Mail box dancing.
Daetur said:
Oof, that makeup looks... uh. Bad.
I'm willing to assume it looks better in-game, Wowhead's model viewer has always struggled with the little stuff.

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