4턴 상대 바로 서렌.

### Big Spell
# Class: Mage
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Hydra
# 1x (1) Pelican Diver
# 1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide
# 2x (2) Amplified Snowflurry
# 2x (2) Far Watch Post
# 2x (2) Mailbox Dancer
# 1x (3) Brann Bronzebeard
# 1x (3) Murloc Holmes
# 2x (3) Nightcloak Sanctum
# 2x (4) Deepwater Evoker
# 2x (4) Reckless Apprentice
# 1x (4) Smothering Starfish
# 1x (4) Theotar, the Mad Duke
# 1x (4) Varden Dawngrasp
# 1x (6) Balinda Stonehearth
# 2x (6) Barbaric Sorceress
# 2x (6) Grey Sage Parrot
# 1x (7) Magister Dawngrasp
# 1x (8) Mordresh Fire Eye
# 2x (9) Rune of the Archmage
# 2x (10) Drakefire Amulet
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

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hsreplay : 전설top1k 구간에서 샌즈1티어/빅스펠2티어 입니다.

6턴 전에 드로우 할 자신 있으시면 돌리시길.

아시겠지만, 빅스펠 코스트 못 줄여서 사기 못 치면 노답입니다.

빼고 넣고 밸류 챙겼습니다.

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