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겜 하면서 크레딧 부족을 느끼는 분들이시라면, 골탱 하나쯤 생각하시고 질렀을겁니다(전 없어요...). 근데 골탱 승무원을 훈련시킬때 아래 두 내용을 참고해 보시기 바랍니다.


A crew member is always trained for a specific vehicle. Should a crewman operate a vehicle that he is not trained for, he may receive a penalty to his training level. This is indicated by the training level being colored red in the garage screen. A penalty received for the following situations:

  • If a crew member is in a vehicle of the same class, and the vehicle is a premium vehicle, there is no penalty.
  • If a crew member is in a vehicle of the same class, and the vehicle is not a premium vehicle, he will take a 25% penalty to his current training level. So, for example, 80% base training level will be reduced to 60%, or 100% base training level will be reduced to 75%.
  • If a crew member is in a vehicle of a different class, and the vehicle is a premium vehicle, he will also take a 25% penalty to his current training level.
  • If a crew member is in a vehicle of a different class, and the vehicle is not a premium vehicle, he will take a 50% penalty to his current training level. So, for example, an 80% crew will be reduced to 40% base training level, while a 100% crew will reduced to 50% base training level.

A tanker crewing a vehicle that he is not trained for may earn less experience:

  • In a vehicle the same class, there is no penalty if the vehicle is a premium vehicle, otherwise he earns 50% less.
  • In a vehicle of a different class, he earns 50% less if the vehicle is a premium vehicle, otherwise he earns 75% less.

 음 잘 읽으셨죠?(...) 요점을 말하자면, 동일한 병종(헤비, 중형, 구축 등)의 승무원이기만 하면, 골탱 승무원은 경험치 얻는 양과 숙련도에 아무런 패널티를 받지 않는다는겁니다.


 예를들어, 님들이 뢰베를 가지고 있다면 킹타 승무원을 재훈련 없이 태워도 아무런 패널티 없이 게임하고 모든 경험치를 받는단 뜻입니다. 두 사진을 봅시다



일반적으로는 다른 차량에 탑승하면  -25% 패널티가 있지만



련방의 골탱 헤비에 탄 IS-7 승무원은 -25%가 나오지 않습니다. (이름만 빨갛게 뜰 뿐)


예를 들어 뢰베를 샀다면, 기왕이면 독일 티거나 킹타 등의 승무원으로 훈련시켜 태우고 슈싱을 샀다면 하다못해 이지에잇 승무원이라도 태워서 미래를 대비하는편이 좋습니다. 일단 찍어만 놓고 나중에 타야지~ 싶은 전차가 있다면 더 좋습니다.


 참고로, 일반 경전차 승무원이 헤비 골탱에 탈 경우 -25% 패널티가 주어집니다(병종이 다르니까). 그러니 골탱을 구매하기 전에, 혹시 꼭 가고싶은 국가 트리가 있다면 기왕이면 그 병종에 맞는 골탱을 사는게 좋겠습니다.