There's amazing insight here. Definitely worth watching

Some stream notes:

He wanted Muma and Coolmatt first. He made sure to get them as a duo. Muma was highly desired by a lot of teams.

He actually wanted a KR tracer at first, but that ended up being not possible. He really liked Carpe, but Carpe ended up being "mega mega expensive". He likes Clockworks Tracer 1v1s, but doesn't view him as a carry dps.

He also wanted Faze's supports, but at the time Faze was trying to get their roster into OWL as a team.

He picked up FNRGFE separately. First Muma/Coolmatt, then the supports. then Clockwork. Buds was in other tryouts. No one on FNRGFE talked to each other about Houston. (Basically saying Buds didn't get snaked)

He didn't have an extravagant budget. Wasn't super high, wasn't super low. Workable. Flame tryed to pay the roster so everyone is getting paid roughly the same, as much as was reasonable.

Linkzr wasn't on anyone's radar before Contenders Finals. Linkzr had a prior connection with Flame because he messaged him about game mechanics. Flame liked his work ethic and saw he was really good during the Contenders season. Linkzrs primary motivation for joining Optic was because he liked the color Green. Linkzr was signed weeks before Contenders Finals.

Jake was picked up because the FNRGFE guys were hyping him up. Specifically Muma.

Mendo was the "risky" pick. Flame knows he hasn't played in a long while but the results when he did play were good. He thinks he can help Mendo reach his potential.

Buds fucked himself over by leaking FNRGFE to Houston. Flame was planning on picking him up last minute if he was still available.

Linkzr is a massive weeb. So is Mendo. Weebs don't count as Europeans so they blend into the NA roster.

OWL contracts are 2 years long. If you sign a minimum for one year, you sign for two years. That's why players should avoid minimum deals, so they don't get boned.

Spree was only available the Monday before the deadline. Flame picked him up on the 26th. He was willing to be on the bench and wants to grow his brand.

Flame really wanted Stitch, Runner and Kaiser. So he messaged Tairong to hit up Runner. Runner said he wasn't splitting up the team. Then he realized he went through Tairong to talk to Runner. He realized Tairong was a coach so he asked if he wanted to coach. Tairong was like "fuck yeah" and super happy and excited.

He also contacted Namedhwi but Named wanted a full/mostly Korean team. Tairong was super down for an NA team. Tairongs english is really good. Flame thinks mix teams aren't a good idea due to language barriers.

He hit up MESR super early into the signing window. He wanted MESR on the team but MESR was done playing. Tairong wanted a tank coach because he felt he was weak at coaching those roles. So MESR accepted a role as the tank coach.

The team is intrigued by having coaches participate in scrims. MESR is obviously a tank player and Tairong can play Lucio, and they have spare DPS to fill out the practice squad. They might not end up doing this, but they think the coaches could gain some unique insight on the team if they're actually in the scrims with them.

대충 관심있을만한 정보를 말하자면

1. 카르페는 해외에서 엄청난 인기를 자랑했다 휴스턴이 카르페를 잡고 싶었지만 MEGA MEGA EXPENSIVE(존나 존나게 비싸서) 포기했다

2. Flame(휴스턴 GM)은 러너(코치로), 스티치, 카이저를 엄청(really) 원했다 하지만 러너는 팀을 쪼개는 것을 원하지 않았고, 이 때 Flame은 타이롱이 코치라는 걸 깨닫고 그에게 코치직을 제안했다 타이롱은 존나 좋아했다

 3. Flame은 네임드휘(전 BK, Laser Kittenz, 현 필라델피아팀 코치)를 영입하고자 했지만 그가 한국인 풀로스터 혹은 한국인이 많은 로스터를 원했기에 불발됐다