2월27일 나온 이벤트입니다

DISCORD와 TWICTH를 연동해서 하는거 같습니다

해외 이벤트라 

국내서버 계정으로도 적용이 되는지는 잘 모르겠습니다

아래 링크를 들어가셔서

이벤트 참여 가능한지 확인해주실분 계시면 감사하겠습니다

TWITCH는 타게임 시청보상으로 들어가서 보상얻곤 했었는데 (드롭스활성화였나요)

DISCORD는 안써봐서 잘 모르겠네요..



  • Goal #1: DISCORD Role & Exclusive Access to Vindi-Streamers Exclusive Channel
    • DISCORD Role: ‘Twitch Streamer’
    • Benefits of Joining the ‘Vindi-Streamers’ Exclusive Channel:
      • Exclusive chats with Vindictus
      • Vindictus will follow and host your Twitch Channel
      • Sync stream schedule to play Vindictus with GM together!

Qualification #1: Stream Vindictus for a total of 25 hours for the month.
Qualification #2: Stream Vindictus for a minimum of 1 hour on 15 different days for the month.


  • Goal #2: Exclusive In-Game Twitch Item & the Above

Qualification #1: Stream Vindictus for a total of 50 hours for the month.
Qualification #2: Stream Vindictus for a minimum of 1 hour on 30 different days for the month.



Leave Evidence

  1. Save your streams under your own channel under the ‘Videos’ tab.

  2. The “Event Master” will then check which goal you’re going for through the application you submitted and check the saved streams on your channel for verification.

  3. The “Event Master” will check whether the saved streams are valid and meet the requirements above.



Submit Application

  1. Go to the Official Vindictus DISCORD Server: https://discord.gg/ggYu6yA

  2. Fill out the Form:
    1. Applying Month: (Ex. March)
    2. Twitch Channel URL: (Ex. https://www.twitch.tv/Vindictus)
    3. Name of Twitch Channel: (Ex. Vindictus)
    4. Goal Aiming For: (Ex. Goal #2)
    5. Total Hours Streamed: (Ex. 50 Hrs)
    6. Total Days Streamed: (Ex. 30 Days)
    7. DISCORD ID: (Ex. Vindictus#1234)
    8. User Number (Found in NX Launcher under ‘Edit Profile’): (Ex. 12345678)
    9. CHARACTER ID: (Ex. Vindictus)
    10. Server (NA/EU): (Ex. NA)

  3. Submit the Form under the ‘Twitch Event Submissions’ Channel on DISCORD:



Regarding Verification & Reward Distribution

  • Once the submission period closes, the Event Manager will start verifying the applications submitted as soon as possible and will announce those who are finally qualified for the month right on the ‘twitch-event-submissions’ channel of the official Vindictus Discord server.
  • Rewards will then be distributed the following server maintenance to the user’s account info that was given through the submitted application form.
  • Please be advised that the submission period will close every 4th day 12:00 A.M. PST of every month and late submissions will not be accepted at all.





  • Any abuse of the following event will lead to automatic disqualification, and certain penalties, if severe and seem necessary, will be given.
  • The event will start on the mentioned date, March 1st, 2019 PT. However, a selected few have already been given the above rewards to promote the event as ambassadors. However, they too will have to meet the requirements for that month to continue enjoying it for the following month as well. The selected ambassadors for March 2019 are as follows in their Twitch channel names:
  • Event submissions will be received only during the 1st through 3rd day of every month PST time. Therefore, please do not forget to submit during this period as there will be no leniency regarding.
  • All titles, authorizations, and items issued will be reset each month on the day rewards will be distributed for the following month during the maintenance period.





  • Q: What is the special Twitch item?
    A: It’s a Twitch Balloon item for in-game that has been designed exclusively for our Vindictus community Twitch streamers!

  • Q: What does the special Twitch item do?
    A: It gives +999 Coolness to your Vindictus fashion and popularity.

  • Q: How do I get one of these exclusive Twitch items?
    A: Simply meet Goal #2 of the requirements above and submit your application with the period!

  • Q: What if I’m already cool enough without the item, title, etc.?
    A: No. You aren’t.