Priest's vast variety of removal spells allows it to stay comfortable throughout the game. The archetype can be built in different ways, making use of different packages such as the cycle package, Deathrattle package, or the Dragon package. Each of these deck has a different playstyle.

The Cycle package makes use of cheap card draw effects to cycle through the deck to find the power cards faster and more consistently. It also allows the Highlander Priest to burst down the opponent by playing multiple cheap cards in a turn with Shadowreaper Anduin's hero power. To increase the burst potential of the deck, Prophet Velen and different card-generation tools are also used.

The Deathrattle package opts for a more control-oriented playstyle. It often features N'Zoth the Corruptor along with different Deathrattle cards to eventually out-value the opponent. The resurrect potions from Kazakus also have added bonus synergy with this variant of the archetype.

The Dragon package makes use of the powerful Dragon tribal card available for the Priest class, Drakonid Operative. The Dragon package opts for a mid-range playstyle and relies on obtaining and maintaining board control from the mid-game.

Playing the proper variant based on the meta, along with the power level of its key cards, is what makes Highlander Priest a consistent and solid deck.

사제의 다양한 제압기와 광역기는 안정적인 플레이를 가능하게 하고, 이 덱은 3타입이 있습니다. 싸이클, 죽메, 용.
싸이클덱은 덱을 빠르게 비워 벨렌 슈팅을 노리고, 죽메 덱은 컨트롤 버전으로 강력한 죽메 카드들의 부활 시너지를 노립니다. 용 버전은 미드레인지 스타일로 필드를 강하게 유지합니다. 메타에 따라 키카드들을 달리할 수 있는것이 사제를 안정적인 덱으로 만듭니다.

저도 9.1패치전에 용 버전을 주로 굴렸습니다. 피니쉬는 약해도 더 안정적이고 외눈깨비를 쓰는데 부담감이 없어서 노루도 잘 잡았었구요. 슈팅버전으로 단일화 되는것보다 다양한 시도들이 계속됬으면 하는 마음에 글 올립니다.