레딧의 한 유저가 미드 세라핀에 대한 의견을 작성했고 레딧 핫게에 올라감

According to Lolalytics Seraphine's pick rate in mid lane is roughly 20% and her win rate is 46,24 %. Her pick rate as a support is 76 % and win rate is 48,35%.

It would seem Seraphine is another one of these mages whose support role overshadows her mid role even though it was specifically stated that her primary role was supposed to be mid.

Currently I see no reason to pick her in mid instead of support. Who would've thought that a champion with innate synergy with other champions in form of her e and passive would be played mainly in a lane with another champion? With Seraphine Riot is presented with the classic dilemma of these dual role mages: If you buff her mid laning it almost always results of her support role becoming broken.

요약: 서폿 세라핀이 미드 세라핀에 비해 픽률 승률 모두 압승. 세라핀을 굳이 서폿이 아닌 미드로 기용할 이유가 전혀 없다. 애초에 솔로라이너가 아군 의존도가 극심한 건 말이 안됨. 

이에 대한 라이엇 개발자인 Reav3의 답변

We saw that as well. We are currently working on a changelist to buff her mid WR

동의함. 현재 미드라이너로서의 세라핀을 버프할 방안 작업중.

원문 링크https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/jmmmec/comment/gawyzhf