드래곤 라이즈 161 버전의 세부 내용이 공개되었다. 핵심 사항으로 날개 형태의 새로운 탈것 'Wings'가 등장한다. 평행 차원에서는 록슬리 동굴에 있는 거미 알의 리젠 시간이 늘어나고, 아라크나의 피난처에 등장하는 보스 '아라크나'의 패턴이 너프된다. 또한 160 버전 업데이트 이후 생겨나 골칫거리였던 몇몇 버그가 수정된다.

새로 등장하는 탈것 Wings는 소환하면 이름과 같이 등 뒤에 커다란 날개가 달리게 된다. 공개된 Wings의 종류는 'Sorrel', 'Palomino', 'Black', 'Bone', 'Feathered'로 총 다섯 가지고, 이 중 Bone과 Feathered는 상급 탈것이다. 또한 뼈만 남아있는 날개, 드래곤에 달려있을 법한 날개, 깃털로 쌓인 날개 등 네 종류의 외형이 공개되었다. 단, 날개 모양의 탈것이라 하여 구조물을 넘어다닐 수 있는 것은 아니다.

원하는 Wings를 구매하는 것은 사전 예약 구매로만 가능하고, 사전 구매 기간이 끝나면 패키지를 구매하여 랜덤한 종류의 날개를 얻을 수 있다. 공개된 패키지는 'Lucky Sphere of Bone Wings'와 'Lucky Sphere of Feathered Wings' 두 가지가 있다. 각 패키지는 Sorrel, Palomino, Black 세 종류의 날개 중 하나를 얻을 수 있다. 만약 운이 좋다면 Bone Wings 패키지에서는 'Bone Wings & Bone Man Costume', Feathered Wings 패키지에서는 'Feathered Wings & Dark Mage Costume'을 얻을 수 있다.

▲ 패치 노트에 공개된 네 종류의 날개

소위 '거미 방 오토'로 각광 받고 있는 평행 차원의 록슬리 동굴에는 자동 사냥에 큰 타격을 주는 변화가 생긴다. 록슬리 동굴에 나오는 '아라크나의 새끼', 이른바 거미 알은 약 30초의 짧은 리젠 시간을 가지고 있다. 이 때문에 자동 사냥을 시작하면 다른 곳으로 이동하지 않아, 강력한 몬스터를 상대할 필요 없이 거미 알과 거미만 사냥하는 것이 가능하다.

하지만 161 버전에서는 거미 알의 리젠 시간이 3분으로 늘어나, 자동 사냥시 전 맵을 돌아다녀야 하는 것이 불가피해진다. 대신 거미가 죽었을 시 주위의 몬스터에게 주는 버프가 약화되는 등 약간의 밸런스 조정이 이루어진다.

▲ 이번 패치로 리젠 시간이 길어질 예정인 거미 알

평행 차원의 보스 중 가장 까다롭다는 평을 받는 '평행 차원 아라크나'는 하향 패치가 이루어진다. 아라크나의 공격력은 이전 지역의 중간 보스 '광기의 아르쿠스'에 비하면 낮은 편이지만, 새끼 거미를 지속적으로 산란하는 패턴과 지면에 충돌시 독 구덩이와 새끼 거미를 생성하는 운석을 낙하하는 패턴이 잦아 힘든 전투를 펼쳐야만 했다.

이러한 두가지 패턴은 161 업데이트를 통해 하향된다. 새끼 거미를 산란시 좀 더 적은 양의 새끼 거미가 나오게 되고, 운석을 낙하하는 패턴의 쿨타임은 늘어나 전투 중 사용하는 횟수가 줄어들게 된다.

▲ 아라크나를 상대하다 보면 수많은 새끼 거미에 먼저 질리게 된다

증기 기술자의 스킬 중 적을 도발하는 스킬 '상자 속의 드워프'의 특성에 관련된 버그도 이번 패치로 수정된다. 상자 속의 드워프는 보통 폭발과 함께 주변에 기절을 걸어주는 특성 '화끈한 선물'을 찍고 사용하는 편인데, 160 패치 이후 기절 효과가 걸리지 않아 증기 기술자의 자동 사냥이 원활하지 않았다.

이외에도 PvP 매치를 시작했을 경우 스킬 쿨타임이 초기화 되지 않던 버그 등 여러가지 버그가 수정된다. 또한 평행 차원 내의 몬스터간에도 밸런스 조정이 이루어져 원거리 몬스터의 사거리가 20% 감소하거나, 특정 몬스터의 공격력이 증가하게 된다.

☞ 원문으로 직접 확인해보는 161 버전 패치노트

Dear Heroes of Dracania,

With Release 161, we are again correcting various parts of the Parallel Worlds, this time the focus is on balancing monsters! In addition to that, we are introducing “Wings” as mounts that help you travel faster through the maps of Dracania, and even more; a long list of bugs has been fixed. Finally, with release 161 you can also expect a brand new event starting on the 12th of February: Perils of Time.

New Features

Introduction Sequences for bosses Arachna & Bearach

Whenever a character approaches boss monsters Arachna and Bearach, a quick introduction sequence will be played before the battle against them can start. In upcoming releases (R162 & R163) additional introductions for other boss monsters will be added.

New Epic Mounts: Wings

For the first time in the history of Drakensang Online, a hero can now also equip wings. Wings have the same mechanic as epic mounts and allow the hero to travel faster. Please note that for balancing reasons, just like the standard mounts, the wings will also not allow you to fly over hurdles or obstacles.Next to a limited pre-sale, where the wings can be purchased directly, NPC Grizmek (Tamer) sells packages called Lucky Sphere of Bone Wings and Lucky Sphere of Feathered Wings in exchange for 799 Andermant. The packages contain regular mounts but with a bit of luck your character can win the jackpot of these packages, which are the wings plus a costume.

  • 16 Lock picks
  • Sorrel (Mount)
  • Palomino (Mount)
  • Black (Mount)
JACKPOT:Bone Wings (Epic Mount)& Bone Man Costume
  • 16 Lock picks
  • Sorrel (Mount)
  • Palomino (Mount)
  • Black (Mount)
JACKPOT:Feathered Wings (Epic Mount)& Dark Mage Costume


Item Levels adjusted for Preview and when dropped

The rewards shown in the dungeon access windows of the Parallel World dungeons now are at least scaled to their minimum drop level, so that low-level characters cannot confuse them as possible rewards anymore (most items have a minimum drop level of 30).

Furthermore, monsters that are not in the Parallel Worlds on maximum level (including Balor) won't drop items below the maximum level when the defeating player is also at maximum level. Parallel World monsters already have this behavior.​

Buffs available in the Splintered City of Cardhun

NPC Rovette (Charmer), situated in the Splintered City of Cardhun, now also offers more temporary buffs in addition to essences, potions and dyes.

Furthermore, traders in front of the Parallel World dungeons offer Spirit Guards in exchange for Materi Fragments. Non-premium players can use these as a safety measure when they go into the second level of a Parallel World dungeon. Spirit Guards don't work in boss fights.

Update on Unique Items from Premium trader Emilia and from Mystic Cubes

The item set that can be obtained from Mystic Cubes now scales to the character’s level. Multiple items that can be obtained from Premium trader Emilia (situated in Kingshill) have been updated.

Feedback text when picking-up Materi Fragments & Ancient Wisdom

A amount will appear whenever a hero picks up Materi Fragments (same as with other currencies). Furthermore, the pickup-text now shows the correct amount of Ancient Wisdom at higher difficulties.

Random Monster Enchantments: New Marker for Defender

The marker for the "Defender" champion monster (tougher, casts a shield) is now white make them easier to distinguish from other champions.

Lor’Tac Quest: The Dwarf Ambassador

The quest "The Dwarf Ambassador 5/8" was switched to "Staged Tasks" (meaning that tasks are not shown in advance, but when the task before is done), because it should not give away an important plot twist.

New Selling Prices for Gemstones

The selling prices of the following gemstones have been adjusted:​
Astral Peridot (Now 5 Gold 9 Silver 78 Copper)
Cruciate Peridot (Now 17 Gold 93 Silver 34 Copper)
Concentrated Solstice Crystal (Now 5 Gold 9 Silver 78 Copper)

Multiple changes to the dungeons in the Parallel Worlds

Parallel World Hagastove Grotto
A minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 champions can appear on this map.Quests where a hero has to collect mushrooms as quest items can now only be completed as a solo player.

Parallel World Loxley Caverns
A maximum of 3 champions plus 1 leader can appear on this map.Spider eggs now reappear only after 3 minutes. The buff that the spiders give to all monsters around them on death is not as powerful anymore. This also makes the leader Troll of the map less powerful.

Parallel World Arachna's Refuge
Fewer small spiders are spawning and the cool-down of the meteor has been increased in this map.

The following measures have been implemented to balance the strength of several monster types:

Ranged Attacks of Monsters:​
Reduced maximum flying range of arrows and other monster shots by 20%
Fairy Tree Man:​
Melee attack is now an Area-of-Effect attack that can be evaded
Wailing Banshee:​
Increased attack speed by 100%
Increased cool-down of Scream from 9 to 12 seconds
Soulless Norsemen:​
their attack Charge can now go through and beyond the character’s position (so they don't pile up so much)
Normal melee attacks can now be evaded
Resurrected Imperial Lancer (Mount Suvius)​
Melee attack now has 125% increased range (to represent the spear) and can be evaded by moving aside
Resurrected Imperial Swordsman (Mount Suvius)​
Special stab attacks now have 50% increased range, deal double the amount of damage, have 12 seconds cool-down and can be evaded by moving aside
Monsters of the type Ice Minion:​
Teleport now hits 20% faster
Dragon Berserker Thug:​
Dragon Breath now has a higher range so that game-play and graphics align correctly
Melee attack from this monster can be evaded by moving aside
Dragon Brood:​
Melee attack is now an Area-of-Effect attack that can be evaded
Monsters of the type Cyclops:​
Melee attack has now a higher range and can be evaded by moving aside
Monsters of the type Boar:​
Melee attack from this monster can be evaded by moving aside
Dark Dwarf Engineer:​
Melee attack is now an Area-of-Effect attack that can be evaded
Frost Wolf Agitator:​
Now uses also a melee attack when a player gets to close to it
This attack does not cause Frost but deals higher damage
These changes work for all monsters using the mentioned graphics set.​

The following monster in the Parallel Worlds have been balanced:

Map: Parallel World Stonekeep Island
Monster: Parallel World Evil Miller​
Summons now two Skeleton Archers that shoot lightning arrows
The skill Frostwind doesn't do damage
An Invisible skill, which does damage, has been taken out
Map: Parallel World Liar´s Lair
Monster: Wandering Experiment​
Puddle of Acid now deals 50% less damage per second
Monster: Andermagic Minion​
- 33% less health points
Map: Parallel World Crypt of Kings
Monster: The Bloody Arrow​
The whirlwind attack can now go through and beyond the player's position
Map: Parallel World Hagastove Grotto​
Between 4 - 6 champions can appear on this map now
Map: Parallel World Alliance Fortress
Monster: Parallel World Dragonknight​
The time between casting and impact of the meteor is now longer
Strike attack does not cause any bleeding effect​

Bug Fixes

Skill: Dwarf-in-the-box talents fixed

All talents that belong to the skill Dwarf-in-the-box have been fixed to work as intended.

Items locked in overflow instead of allocated to inventory

A bug was fixed where items remained stuck in the inventory overflow instead of being added to free slots in the inventory.​

Steam Mechanicus: Tesla Coil destroys Healing bombs of Tactical Turret

A bug was fixed where the Tesla Coil cannibalized the Tactical Turret

Graphical Improvement: Rootrock Caverns

An unrealistic edge in the Rootrock Cavern was changed.​

Grimmag’s Shady Starry Robe had negative value

A display error on Grimmag’s Starry Robe has been corrected.​

Missing Sale Banners / False Sales Banners

Missing sale banners have been added to the merchant in the Dwarven Expedition Camp. Plus, some sale banners at merchants in Jarlshofn and in Yaltepetl were not showing and have now been added. The sales banner of NPC Rovette no longer displays 50% but now 25% (as intended).

Parallel World Dragonknight can take control over summoned monsters

The "Parallel World Dragonknight" in the "Alliance Fortress" map of the Parallel Worlds doesn't take control of the Lightning Strike of the Tayaz sets anymore.​

6v6 Storm the Fortress Bombs effective again

A bug was fixed that caused the walking bombs in 6v6 (Storm the Fortress) not to deal damage to towers anymore.​

Honor level tutorial tool tip freezes on finishing duel

After completing a PvP match for the first time, the window pops up that explains the "Honor Level" could not be closed. This has now been corrected and players can close the window.​

Reward Display corrected
When using a teleport item to reach Bearach in the Parallel Worlds, the map access window now also shows the correct reward items.

Item: Heredur’s Royal Power corrected

The helmet will now no longer be displayed whenever a character is wearing a costume.

PVP Improvement: Unnecessary Cooldown Time

Sometimes, at the start of the last battle round of a PvP match, a hero would start with the skills still being unavailable due to cooldown time. This has now been corrected.

Locker causes crash

A bug has been fixed that was causing the game to crash whenever an item was placed from the inventory to the locker while being on the maps Blackborg or Varholm.

Go forth and conquer, heroes of Dracania!​

Best regards,
Your Drakensang Online Team