드래곤 라이즈의 162버전 패치 노트가 공개되었다. 이번 업데이트의 주요 내용으로는 신규 의상 추가, 놉 상인의 상시 출현, 신규 망토 아이템 추가, 신규 멤버십 아이템 출시 등이 있다.

새로 추가되는 의상은 'Dragonbane', 'Jungle Crawler' 두 가지다. Dragonbane은 붉은색의 타이즈에 드래곤의 형상을 한 마스크가 특징으로, 여성 캐릭터용 디자인만 존재한다. 다만 아가씨 의상처럼 여성용 의상 외형 그대로 남성 캐릭터들도 착용할 수 있다. Jungle Crawler는 나뭇잎과 동물 가죽으로 이루어진, 흡사 원주민들의 의상과 유사하며, 남성용과 여성용 의상이 별도로 존재한다. Dragonbane과 Jungle Crawler는 로어택 대륙에서 출현하는 Protectors / Guardians을 처치하면 15%의 확률로 드랍된다.

▲ 신규 의상 Dragonbane의 모습

▲ 신규 의상 Jungle Crawler의 모습

▲ 신규 의상들은 로어택 지역의 Protectors / Guardians에게서 드랍된다

이벤트 기간만 출현하던 놉 상인이 이제 킹스힐에서 상시 출현하게 된다. 놉 상인은 기존에 이벤트로 판매하던 아이템들 뿐만 아니라, 신규 아이템도 함께 판매할 예정이다. 새로 추가되는 아이템은 행운구와 신규 장비 아이템이 있다.

놉 상인이 판매하는 행운구는 그 종류가 다양하며, 드라켄으로 구매할 수 있는 것과 드래곤펄로 구매할 수 있는 것으로 나뉘어 있다. 이 중 드래곤펄로 판매되는 'Lucky Sphere of Night Wings' 에서는 신규 상급 탈것 'Night Wings'를 획득할 수 있는데, 일전에 161버전 업데이트와 함께 공개되었던 천상의 날개와 상반되는 검은 깃털의 날개가 특징이다.

놉 상인에게 추가된 신규 장비 아이템은 각 클래스의 무기 보조 아이템으로, 모두 드라켄을 지불하여 구매할 수 있다. 신규 장비의 이름은 드래곤 나이트가 Wrath Keeper / 스펠위버가 Fallen Star / 증기 기술자가 Grenade Protector / 레인저가 Head Hunter인데, 현재 공개된 것은 장비의 이름 뿐이며, 상세 옵션은 공개되지 않았다.

▲ Lucky Sphere of Night Wings에서 획득할 수 있는 상급 탈것 Night Wings의 외형

▲ 놉 상인에게 새로 추가되는 클래스별 무기 보조 아이템

신규 추가되는 망토 아이템도 존재한다. 'Kaylin Lefrye’s Cloak'라는 이름으로, 보스 몬스터 네페르타리에게서 드랍된다. Kaylin Lefrye’s Cloak은 48레벨 이상의 캐릭터부터 장착할 수 있으며, 기본 옵션으로 캐릭터의 방어력을 30 증가시켜준다.

현재 판매되고있는 프리미엄 팩에 병행하여 신규 멤버십 아이템, 'Deluxe Membership'이 추가된다. Deluxe Membership 이용 중에는 기존 프리미엄 팩의 혜택과 신비한 큐브 드랍률 100% 증가 / 획득 경험치 20% 증가 / 작업대 비용 35% 감소 / 일일 로그인 드래곤펄 100 추가 획득 / 창고 20칸 추가 확장 / 장비 업그레이드 비용 25% 감소 / 상급 탈것 'Dragon Wings' 지급 / 펫 'Swift Harpy' 지급의 추가 혜택을 받는다. 이 중 탈것과 펫은 Deluxe Membership 유지중일 때만 사용할 수 있다.

Deluxe Membership은 프리미엄 팩 사용중인 유저와 그렇지 않은 유저 모두 구매할 수 있다. 단 프리미엄 팩 사용중인 유저가 Deluxe Membership을 구매할 경우 우선적으로 Deluxe Membership의 혜택을 받으며, 이후 기간이 만료되면 다시 프리미엄 팩으로 전환된다. 또한 Deluxe Membership과 프리미엄 팩을 동시 이용중일 때는 프리미엄 팩의 잔여일이 줄어들지 않는다.

마지막으로 사망한 파티원을 파티 UI에서 바로 부활시킬 수 있는 방법이 추가된다. 사망한 파티원의 경우, 파티 UI에서 이름 좌측에 레벨 대신 영혼석 모양의 아이콘이 표시되는데, 이것을 클릭하면 자신이 보유하고있는 영혼석을 소비하여 즉시 부활시킬 수 있다. 이때 부활 시킬 유저와의 거리가 20미터 이내여야 하며, 부활 시에 창고에 있는 영혼석은 사용할 수 없다는 주의점이 있다.

162버전 패치 노트는 현재 해외 포럼에만 공개가 된 상태이며, 자세한 적용일은 아직 공개되지 않았다.

▲ 붉은색 외형이 특징인 신규 망토, Kaylin Lefrye’s Cloak

▲ Deluxe Membership은 전용 탈것과 펫을 지급하는 등 다양한 혜택을 제공한다

▲ Deluxe Membership 이용중에는 상급 탈것 Dragon Wings가 지급된다

▲ Deluxe Membership으로 지급받는 전용 펫, Swift Harpy의 모습

▲ 파티 UI에서 바로 사망한 파티원을 부활시킬 수 있게 된다

☞ 신규 의상과 놉 상인의 상시 출현, 162버전 패치노트 보러 가기
Hello Heroes of Dracania,

With Release 162, we are introducing a nifty and convenient way to revive fallen group members: The Spirit Stone Quick Slot, a new cloak and two costumes (designed by community members) are available in Lor’Tac and a new type of Premium membership with improved additional benefits is now available.We have, yet again, balanced the Parallel Worlds by improving the drop quality and quantity; we corrected the behavior of bosses, fixed several bugs and updated offers of item vendors up to Hogni’s Mine. Last but not least, Gnob, the popular event merchant is no longer a nomad as he is now permanently present in the city of Kingshill.

New Features

New Costumes available in Lor’Tac
The winners of the Lor’Tac Community Costume Contest 2015 have finally be added to the game.

Costume: Dragonbane
designed by users Zamvel & Snowbunnie
This costume is made to suit female characters - but is also available for male for those who already loved to wear Antonia’s dress and love to get in touch with their feminine side.​

Costume: Jungle Crawler
designed by user Frozentale
There are two versions of this costume; a male one as well as an additional female one with a unique look.

Available from: Both costumes can only drop from Protectors / Guardians (see picture) on the continent Lor’Tac. Each costume has drop chance of 15 % .

Event Merchant Gnob permanently in Dracania
Gnob has set-up a permanent stall in Kingshill! Gnob has several new items for you, including Lucky Spheres! Make sure to check his new offers regularly as from time to time Gnob will also feature offers for a limited period.

Gnob will offer Lucky Spheres in exchange for Andermant and Draken. Some Lucky Spheres will only be available for Andermant some only for Draken. Lucky Spheres contain several items and based on your luck you will be rewarded with one of the items that are listed in the content of a Lucky Sphere

Next to Lucky Spheres Gnob has new unique items available. The following off-hand items are now available from Gnob in exchange for Draken:

Wrath Keeper (Dragonknight) Fallen Star (Spellweaver) Grenade Protector (Steam Mechanicus) Head Hunter (Ranger)

The following new epic mount can be obtained from Gnob’s Lucky Spheres: Night Wings

Reworked Introduction Sequences for bosses: Mortis
Whenever a character approaches boss monster Mortis, a new introduction sequence will be played before the battle against him can start. In upcoming releases (R163) additional introductions for other boss monsters will be added.

New Cloak: Kaylin Lefrye’s Cloak
Boss monster Nefertari has the chance to drop a new unique item: Kaylin Lefrye’s cloak.Those of you who are familiar with the storyline of Lor’Tac will understand why.The initial level of the cloak is level 48, since this is the level a character is most likely to have when facing Nefertari.​

Updated Shop Equipment
The Artefact vendors in the game offered some very old items for very high prices. It was time to update their offers. For this release we exchanged the items until Hognis-Mine:​
•The items now have decent legendary stats◦They are especially good for low level players or players that had bad luck in finding a good item on a specific slot
◦They will not compete with high level items that can be found in the later game

•The items are now always offered on your current player level
•We reduced the prices of the items
•Player that still own the old items will gain the updated stats automatically after the patch has been synced

Deluxe Membership (Premium)
With release 162 it is possible to upgrade your Premium membership and become a (Premium) Deluxe member.

Deluxe members have the followingicon next to their character’s name:​

On top of the regular Premium membership benefits Premium Deluxe members have the following additional benefits:​
•Droprate of Mystic Cubes increased by 100% (double than the average drop rate)
•+20% to gained experience
•-35% discount to costs for crafting on the workbench
•200 Andermant daily login bonus instead of 100
•20 additional item slots in the locker
•Item upgrading costs reduced by 25%
•Exclusive Epic Mount: Dragon Wings(can only be equipped by Premium Deluxe Members)

•Exclusive Pet Companion: Swift Harpy(can only be summoned by Premium Deluxe Members)

Good to know:
Who can purchase Deluxe membership?
Every player is eligible to become a Deluxe member. You can also become a Deluxe member even though you are already a Premium member or even if you have no Premium.

I am already a Premium Member, what happens to my Premium membership if I upgrade to Deluxe ?
You will instantly become a Deluxe member and once the runtime of your Deluxe membership runs out you will be downgraded to regular Premium. Let’s imagine one has 50 days left of regular Premium benefits and one decides to purchase 3 days of Premium Deluxe membership. In this case one immediately gets upgraded to Deluxe membership and will enjoy the benefits of the Deluxe membership for the next 3 days. After the 3 days one will get downgraded to regular Premium again and the 50 days will start counting down.

In the game you will find the following banner that promotes the new Deluxe membership:​

Quick slot for Spirit Stones
You can now revive fellow players much faster and more conveniently with the help of a new shortcut. Once a group member has fallen in battle you will be able to click on a Spirit Stone icon next to the group member’s name to use a Spirit Stone and revive the group member.

•You need to be in a group with the fallen player
•You need to have Spirit Stones in your inventory not in your locker
•You need to be at least 20 (virtual) meters close to the fallen player

Added portals to make boss monster runs more convenient
We want to make the farming of boss monsters more convenient again.​
•After the boss of each Parallel World dungeon has been killed, a portal to the same boss room will be opened
•This will only open for players that have finished the final quest for this dungeon

New Descriptions: Skills - Wisdom - Honor points
A description on “how to earn” experience points, wisdom and honor has been added to the overview of talents (hotkey: s).​

New Descriptions: Maps
When opening up the mini map (hotkey: M) on the lower right-hand side of your screen you will be able to see the type of a map.

Skill: Final Supernova
The explosion delay of the skills Final Supernova has been reduced by 1 second.​

Updated Drop Rates & Loots list
•All monsters can now also drop gemstones of tier Polished
•Monsters in the Parallel World can now even drop gemstones of tier Radiant

Updated loot lists of monster with the type Champions in the Parallel Worlds​
•Difficulty degree: ExcruciatingMonsters of the type Champion have updated loot lists + one guaranteedadditional item drop (improved rarity or better)
•Difficulty degree: FatalMonsters of the type Champion have updated loot lists + two guaranteeditem drops (improved rarity or better)
•Increased chances to receive a legendary item from monster of the type Leader and Champions in difficulty degree Fatal.

Updated loot lists of boss monsters in the Parallel Worlds​
•Increased drop chances for Ammon’s set pieces by 20% for all bosses on all difficulty degrees
•Increased drop chances for unique set pieces (e.g. Grimmag’ set) by 25% from bosses (applies only for tier 1 of the set and difficulty degree Painful)
•Boss monsters will now drop more and bigger stacks of virtual currency (gold, silver, copper) on all difficulties

Boss monsters (difficulty degree: Painful) ​
•Added one additional guaranteed item drop (improved rarity or better)

Boss monsters (difficulty degree: Excruciating) ​
•Added two additional guaranteed item drops (improved rarity or better)
•Increased the drop chance for a second guaranteed legendary item from ~ 10% to 33% (applies for Grimmag, Arachna, Heredur, Bearach, Khalys)
•Increased the drop chance for a second guaranteed legendary item from ~ 20% to 66% (applies only for Mortis)

Boss monsters (difficulty degree: Fatal) ​
•Added a second guaranteed legendary item drop
•Added two additional guaranteed item drops (improved rarity or better)
•Added one additional guaranteed item drop (magicrarity or better)
•Increased chance to drop an additional legendary item instead of an extraordinary item for boss monsters Arachna and Khalys.

Improved Item-Enchantment quality on higher difficulty levels
We increased the chance to find items with high relative enchantment values in higher difficulties, so it better matches the increased minimum stats of absolute enchantments. It is still possible to find items with low relative enchantments values though, they just don't appear that regularly anymore.​

Changes to monsters in the Parallel Worlds

General Updates:​
•The skill Flame Nova of fire enchanted champions and leaders now has an anticipation time of 3 seconds
•The spiders in the Parallel Worlds Caverns of Loxeley are now visually distinguishable: The normal spiders kept their color and the spiders spawning from the eggs, which buff surrounding monsters on death, are now black
•Guardian and Leader monster in Parallel World dungeons now use the skills of their enchantments correctly
•Leader monsters in Parallel World dungeons are no longer per default immune against stunning effects ("Defender" and "Enrage" skills will still give immunity)
•Decreased hitpoints of bosses by ~10 % in difficulty degree Excruciating
•Decreased hitpoints of bosses by ~20 % in difficulty degree Fatal
•Added initial cooldowns to boss abilities
•Bosses in the Parallel World have 3 additional skills that will be chosen randomly:◦One random skill on difficulty degree Excruciating
◦Two random skills on difficulty degree Fatal

Boss Monster Grimmag:​

•Increased radius of "Flaming Annihilation"
•Slightly increased attack speed with Fireball
•Increased healing potential of the summoned fire minion drastically
•Initial cool down of "Flaming Annihilation ”: 30-45 seconds
•Initial cool down of the “ Summoning Meteor": 60-90 secondsNew Skill #1 - Mind Control
•Casts an Area-of-Effect radius that takes control of player’s summoned minions and debuffs players so that they deal 60 % less damage for 10 seconds. Players can cleanse this debuff.
•Cooldown 25 seconds
•Initial Cooldown 15 seconds

New Skill #2 - Burning Wrath​
•The Fireball causes "Burn" for 3 seconds
•"Meteor" and "Flaming Annihilation" leave flame twisters in their wake. Players touching these twisters "Burn" for 3 seconds. The twisters explode after 3 seconds.

New Skill #3 - Flaming Fury​
•After casting the "Summoning Meteor" the cooldowns of Meteor and Annihalation are removed for 15 seconds.

Boss Monster Arachna:

New Skill #1 - Acid spray​
•Arachna shoots a stream of acid that damages players and reduces their armor and resistances for 5 seconds
•Cooldown 15 seconds

New Skill #2 - Spider Queen​
•With each spider hatching Arachna lays an additional egg. 3 black spider will hatch from the egg if a player comes too close to the egg or the egg gets destroyed. When these black spiders die they buff all other monsters around them (+ 25% movement speed, + 25% damage for 10 seconds)

New Skill #3 - Deadly Spider​
•The “Spider Net” skill stuns players for 2 seconds
•The base melee attack poisons players for 3 seconds

Boss Monster Heredur:​

•Heredur’s “Frost Breaker” missile now freezes surviving players for 2 seconds
•Double strike now is a 360° attack, hits twice but deals only 1/4 of its original damage
•The hit-angle of Heredur’s basic attacks has been increased
•Heredur now casts "Frost Explosions" also when bound in melee combat
•“Frost Explosions” are cast on multiple players
•Initial Cooldown of "Frost Explosions": 60-90 seconds
•Initial Cooldown of "Frost Breaker" missile: 30|45 seconds

New Skill #1 - Frost Teleport​
•Heredur teleports and cast 3 frost explosions around him
•Does not use the teleport when bound in melee
•His basic attack and the Double Strike cause "Frost" for 3 seconds

New Skill #2 - Continuous Frost Explosions​
•When using the "Frost Explosion" skill, it will create 2 additional frost explosions in front of each player with a delay of 1,5 seconds each

New Skill #3 - Frost Archers​
•When using the "Frost Explosion" skill, it will spawn 3 stationary Bone Archers in front of Heredur
•The shots of the Archers cause "Frost" for 3 seconds
•The Archers explode on death
•The Archers use a Teleport to reposition

Boss Monster Bearach:​

•Initial Cooldown of Summoning Wolves: 45-60 seconds
•Summoning Wolves now isn't a missile anymore but spawns the wolves directly next to Bearach

New Skill #1 - Enrage​
•When summoning wolves Bearach gets into rage for 20 seconds, increasing his movement and attack speed by 50 %.
•His base attack causes "Bleeding Wound" for 3 seconds

New Skill #2 - Lightning Strike​
•Bearach casts a Lightning Strike on each player.The Lightning Strike has an additional cross explosion.
•Cooldown: 15 seconds
•Initial Cooldown: 30-45 seconds

New Skill #3 - Defender​
•Bearach casts a shield in the combat area that lasts for 15 seconds
•He and his wolves gain increased armor and resistances while being under the shield and gain immunity against stunning
•Cooldown: 30 seconds
•Initial Cooldown: 30-45 seconds

Boss Monster Khalys:​

•Changes postponed to one of the next releases, together with Khalys’ set

Boss Monster Mortis:​

•On difficulty degree Excruciating Mortis’ summoned Death Knights have 2 random enchantments
•On difficulty degree Fatal Mortis’ summoned Death Knights have 4 enchantments
•Possible Enchantments: Teleport, Enrage, Speed, Vampiric

Bug Fixes

Display Error: Upgrade Item - Armor Value
A bug was fixed where the armor value statistics did not increase when an item was upgraded.Boss Monster Gorga: Display error level requirementWhen choosing the difficulty degree Painful at boss monster Gorga there was a level requirement of 45 displayed while Gorga is actually level 40. This has now been corrected

Skill Mind Control too effective
Spellweavers were able to control some big random champion monsters in Lor'tac with the skill Mind Control. This has now been corrected.

NPC not immune to attacks
In Agathon's Alliance Hall, the player can attack NPC Kaylin Lefrye from a distance and defeat her. When the player then approaches Kaylin, her animation starts, the character model "dies", and Nefertari does not spawn. This means the player has wasted their key to Agathon’s Alliance Hall. This has now been corrected.

Drones use incorrect attack
Cheeky Dwarf Drones and Controllable Drones had poisonous attacks since the last release, which is incorrect. They now have a chance to shred armor and resistances again, like it was before.​

Incorrect Monster Behavior: Living Fire
Living Fire monsters in the Parallel World Alliance Fortress followed the player around but did not attack the player. This behavior has been corrected.

Talent: Shrapnel Shield
The talent Shrapnel Shield of the skill Tactical Turret skill, should increase the armor and resistance by 5% per stack. However the resistance for "Andermagic" was not increasing like the rest. This has been corrected.​

Incorrect display of tooltip
When the user browses through the Ranger spells while the client is in full screen, he will notice that the Thicket of Thorns spell tooltip is not fully displayed. This has been corrected now.​

User Interface correction
The slider bar in the windows such as then Achievement window felt very cumbersome to use while it is being dragged - the distance covered by the slider does not match actual distance the mouse cursor is moved. This is inconsistent behavior has been corrected in all occurences.

Helios Armor of Honor: No discount
Dauring Zahir's promotion, all the discounts were correctly applied to the costumes except for the Helios' Armor or Honor. This has now been corrected

Tutorial Hint Window not disappearing
A hint window that gives information about the inventory failed to disappear. This has been corrected now and the window will close as intended.

Talent: Golden Scales
The talent Golden Scales of the skill Dragon Hide now also makes the player immune against the effect Silence from normal attacks of champion monsters with Andermight enchantments.
The scales already worked against all other secondary effects of champion enchantments (apart from the damage of "Burn").

Mystic Cubes: Dropping Old Set Pieces
Mystic Cubes no longer contain unique items that do not scale with the player’s level.

Sidequests: In Ocean of Bones and The Halls of the Dead
You can now find the following quests as a random event in the Ocean of Bones and The Halls of the Dead dungeons:​
•Lord of the Dead (1/2)
•Lord of the Dead (2/2)
•Time for Retirement (1/2)
•Time for Retirement (2/2)

NPC Animation fixed
An NPC in Grimford was fixed that had a broken animation.

Map: Thunder Crest
Fixed several locations in Thunder Crest where players and monsters could become invulnerable.

Storm the Fortress (6v6) Aura of Towers fixed
The buffs of the towers in the PvP mode 6v6 have been fixed and the effects of the auras match the graphic’s exact measurements.

Quest Guidance inaccurate
The quest guidance did not point the correct way when a task was changed. This behaviour has now been corrected.

Go forth and conquer, heroes of Dracania!

Best regards,
Your Drakensang Online Team