[0.9.9] Aslain's ModPack v4.5.9

0.9.9 패치용 Aslain's ModPack 최신버전입니다.

업뎃 된 에임 모드들 전부는 테스트 못했답니다.
다음주에 휴가 끝나야 제대로 테스트된 버전 올린다네요.

v4.5.9 (02-08-2015):
- updated XVM to nightly 4692
- updated many preview pictures in the installer
- updated all Aslain's icons (red color for special vehicles is more distinctive now and was added to the rest of my icons, added mirrored contour icons for enemy side, added new test CB icons)
- updated script for Gun Reload Sound mods (by Aslain)
- upaded Szarik 6th sense icon (the cut-out one)
- updated crosshairs Melty, ProArty, Taipan, Sword of Damocles, Deegie, OverCross, Dellux, Team Roughneck's Gunsights, Standard crosshair, with better timer and more, Blue crosshair, Optic TRG - with a new script
- updated Ignored battle types in session stat mods
- updated Spotted Extended by BirrettaMalefica 
- updated OTM reload
- updated Spot Indicator
- updated Tank Minimap View extended
- updated Johny_Bafak's Vertical Techtree  v0.6
- renamed labels for Aslain's icons on components list
- corrected distance between Aslain's cenetered icons and OTM hp bar

- NOTE: I didn't really have time to check all updated crosshairs, use at own risk  I will make a proper update next week, when I got back to country from my trip

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