[0.9.4] Multi Hit Log v.1.9f Beta - Hitlog, InBattle WN8, Damage Log, (no xvm required)

MultiHitLog by PiJey77 & mtm78 & ZeesuS

Change log :

14/11/2014 - Multi Hit Log v.1.9f Beta

-add {{HL_ExpDmg}} for expected damage done in our tank

10/11/2014 - Multi Hit Log v.1.9e Beta

-Small error fix


05/11/2014 - Multi Hit Log v.1.9D Beta

-Updated  for 0.9.4

MultiHitLog configuration possibilities.

- All panels can have background image
- Hitlog, shows a list of damage done
- Damagelog, shows a list of damage received
- Infopanel, shows info about the tank you point at
- HPLeftpanel, shows how much HP enemy tanks has, shows info about enemys in viewrange
- Popup info when damage done
- Popup info when damage received
- Received damage announcer, for team or only for your self
- Damage dealt annuncer when in platoon
- WN8 and EFF live calculation during battle
- Damage difference between expected damage, and currently dealt damage
- Configurable colors for team, goldammo, efficiency, WN8, hit type, weight difference, vehicle class and damage difference
- Configurable texts for vehicle class, ammotypes, kills, allys and attack types


Installation :

The file should be unpacked to res_mods/0.9.4 Operates independently of the XVM, you can even use it completely without XVM