아슬란 홈피 주소입니다.

직접 다운 링크입니다.

v6.2.0 #02 (07-03-2017)업뎃 네용.
- added Ship Name Selector [external application] (by MasaruKondera)
- added Alpha-Beta flags in 2K HD
- fixed KanColle Ship Previews mod (by garfield001)
- fixed flag mods by MajorRenegade 
- removed Smoke Counter (by MasaruKondera) [not working]
- removed Rough seas [requires another update]

v6.2.0 #00 (06-03-2017) 업뎃 내용.
- initial version for WoWs
- updated minimap by AutoSpy
- updated Custom Battle Loading Screen
- updated Side Panels by AutoSpy
- updated No fog
- updated Rough seas
- updated Anti-Glare (Sunglasses)
- updated Unique camo for all ships
- updated port: Jacuzzi, Halloween Phantasm
- updated Compressed textures for weak computers (25%)
- updated Extended Tech Tree
- updated Player's Panels with HP bars by BADoBEST
- updated Matchmaking Monitor
- updated Historical Flag Mod Extension
- updated Minimap with ship names 
- updated contour icons: Hakabase
- removed Full Packages with interface mods
- removed Session Stats
- removed Ship Name Selector
- removed all flag mods except for the extension which was updated
- removed all contour icons except for updated one
- removed text mods
- info: removed mods will be back after their update
- initial version might be little unstable, but not always

즐거운 하루가 되자구욧!