Saturday, 30 May 2015

30.05.2015 Q&A

Not much for today:

- In 9.8 the IS-3 characteristics were not touched;
 9.8에서 IS-3의 성능은 건드리지 않았다.
- Regarding the unveiled untextured Type 91 Japanese heavy tank model - player: "It looks like made from drywall" Yuri Pasholok: "It drives like that too."
 텍스쳐를 입히지 않은 Type 91 일본 중전차의 전차 모델링에 관해서 플레이어가 "석고판으로 만든 것 같다"고 했다. Yuri Pasholok의 답변은 "운용도 석고판떼기인 것처럼 해야함."

And the daily, I know is a old one but this type of humor always manages to crack me up, nothing against French tanks although... the FCM34Pak40, AMX CDC and I are inseparable: