9.9 Public Test


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Guide to Public Tests

It's time again for a new World of Tanks Public Test! We're gearing up for the next update by letting everyone sample what we've been working on just before it's wrapped up and ready to go. Not to mention you can help us gather data and feedback in the days leading up to the final update release!

All World of Tanks players are eligible to take part in this Public Test as long as they registered before June 22. You don't need to be an experienced tester to join in, you just need to be willing to try out as many of the new features as you can, and send us your feedback!

Any new or changed content for the Public Test should be considered not final and subject to change upon final update release.

Featured Changes

  • New test variation of Domination, "Steel Hunt"
  • New graphics rendering settings

...And more! For the full list of changes, please see the Notes section below.

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 다운로드 클라이언트 누르시면 다운로드 됩니다


기존에 테섭 있으신분은 업데이트 하시면됩니다


저번주쯤에 열린 테섭은 9.9테섭이 아닌 관통력 패치에 관한 테섭이였습니다


북미,아시아,유럽,러시아 계정이 있어야 테섭 이용이 가능합니다

(계정은 테섭 시작전 3일 이상 지난 계정이어야만 합니다 )