Fisherman's Bay Crash

on EU, NA and SEA, there are players reporting that Fisherman's Bay been causing them crashes mainly in the in the North Spawn area.
Due to lack of care from staff (except SEA) I asked the players to point out on the map where did the bug hurt them and merged the information I gathered from the 3 servers in this map image:

(Some players reported a single crash on south and another on city but didn't specified exact locations)

This problem is not connected to mods or bad PCs, players who run vanilla or/and have good PCs been reporting in as well, and not only just the game crashes but it also provokes a freeze which can be only fixed with a computer restart.

For those who are having this issue I went on a search for a fix and only could find this:

From "djb_95":

"Well, after many more crashes and trying everything I could think of, I finally found a work-around.
I used to run my client SD with Improved Graphics.
I tried:
1. HD Graphics
2. Update graphics driver.
3. Adjust almost all the graphics settings 1 at a time.
4. Re-downloaded the whole game.

None of that worked.

I finally switched to SD/Standard graphics.  That fixed it."

The devs are not aware of this issue so far.

북미,유럽,아샤섭 어부의항구 북쪽 스폰지역에서 자꾸 충돌(팅김?) 현상이 발생함
순정이나 좋은pc를 가진유저도 발생함
(남쪽도 발생 위치는 모름)

그래서 어떤 유저 자꾸팅겨서 실험해봄

SD 그래픽 클라이언트쓰고
거의모든 옵션을 최저로하고
게임을 재설치

하면 괜찬음?!