








일단 각각 다운로드 링크들이고요


적용 방법은 기존 설치파일은 건들지 마시고 다른 모드처럼 압축 푸시고 res_mods 폴더에 넣어주시면 됩니다


기본 – 43초
50% – 35초
25% – 27초
12.5% – 11초

1% - 글쎄요..


요 정도 로딩 속도 차이가 있답니다 한국 서버는 적용 안 해봤고요 해외 서버 역시 테스트 안 해봤습니다 문제가 있다거나 제대로 적용이 안된다면 삭제하지요 정상작동한다면 덧글을 남겨주시기 바랍니다


아래의 글은 원문입니다


[] Compressed textures WoWs for slow computers or computers without SSD

Textures are compressed to 50, 25 and 12.5% of their original compression and you can install all of them or separatelly for environment or ships. New compressed textures do not change original WoWs textures – they are installed in res_mods folder.

Author has measured WoWs loading times of port after login into game with and without using compressed textures on his home computer and here are his results:

Clean client – 43 seconds
50% quality of textures – 35 seconds
25% quality of textures – 27 seconds
12.5% quality of textures – 11 seconds

Faster game/battle loading
Faster port loading after login/battle
Faster ship switching in port
Fewer lags caused by loading graphic elements during battle
Consuming less computer resources than original client

Lower graphics quality (depends on quality of used compressed textures)

Conclusion: It is a very good package for players with weaker computers, especially without SSD or with small amount of RAM/graphics memory. To players with powerful computers this package will not bring a real benefit.

Installation: Unpack downloaded archive into appropriate folder in res_mods

Textures for ships are stored in “World_of_Warshipsres_mods�.4.1contentgameplay”. In all other folders are being stored environment textures.
It is highly recommended to switch-off your internet browser during playing WoWs. Internet browser can drastically decrease performance of your computer.