데이터마이닝에서 새 사령관 데하카,탈란다르가 나왔나보네요 

출처 : https://us.battle.net/forums/en/sc2/topic/20753885701?page=1

[루리웹 출처]

무력화 관련 데이터 추가

Behavior/ToolTip/ACPirateLightningStormStun=This unit is Disabled.

이 유닛은 무력화되었습니다.





새로운 유닛




중재자(아비터 / Arbiter)


사령관 피닉스

user type="PlayerCommanders" field="InThisMission" instance="ProtossFenix"

플레이어 사령관 피닉스



Actor/Name/ZealotPurifierPlacementModel=Zealot Purifier Placement Model

정화자 광전사


새로운 대사 (약 100여개)

Conversation/acResponses/Line01391=We shall be the end of it.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01392=It will not stand against us for long.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01393=My warriors will destroy it at once.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01394=The Purifiers are assaulting the objective.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01395=My warriors are laying the objective to waste!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01396=To battle! We attack the objective now!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01397=My warriors never falter.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01398=Glory to the Daelaam!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01399=Another victory for the Purifiers.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01400=Hardly a match for my blades.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01401=Ah, the thrill of battle!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01402=It will not escape so easily!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01403=No target is beyond our reach.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01404=The Purifiers will put a stop to it.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01405=We strike at the objective!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01406=My forces are attacking the objective now.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01407=The objective is in our sights.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01408=We must not allow the objective to escape!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01409=The objective must fall! Redouble our efforts!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01410=Do not lose the objective! Strike it down!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01411=As expected.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01412=There was never a doubt.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01413=None can withstand the might of the Purifiers.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01414=It died without a shred of honor.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01415=We are victorious!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01416=We shall be its shield.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01417=It will remain safe under our watch.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01418=Our enemies will die before they reach it.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01419=My warriors are holding the enemy back.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01420=We are defending the objective.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01421=The Purifiers will not allow the objective to fall.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01422=The Purifiers can defeat any foe!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01423=Our defenses are impenetrable!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01424=It was foolish for the enemy to challenge us.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01425=Revel in our triumph!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01426=No sacrifice is too great.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01427=We shall take control of it soon.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01428=My forces are prepared to mobilize.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01429=It will soon be under our control.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01430=The enemy shall not set foot here.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01431=We will destroy these interlopers at once.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01432=This area is under our protection!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01433=Our claim is secure.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01434=We claim this area in the name of the Purifiers!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01435=We have secured the objective.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01436=The objective is ours!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01437=Our foes never stood a chance.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01438=It will soon be within our grasp.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01439=We shall acquire it without delay.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01440=My forces will set out to capture it.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01441=We have taken the objective!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01442=The objective is in our possession.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01443=The Purifiers are claiming the objective.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01444=You bring honor to us all, my warriors.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01445=None can challenge our might.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01446=A glorious achievement.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01447=We have succeeded!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01448=Victory is ours!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01449=The Purifiers will see it to its destination.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01450=We will transport it at once.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01451=It shall be taken where it needs to be.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01452=The objective is in motion.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01453=My forces are transporting the objective now.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01454=We have mobilized the objective.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01455=We have delivered the objective.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01456=Transportation successful.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01457=The objective has been transported.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01458=There is no task we cannot accomplish.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01459=Well struck, warriors!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01460=We will lend it our strength.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01461=Together, we shall stand as one!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01462=The Purifiers are ready to support it.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01463=My forces are with the objective!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01464=We stand with the objective.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01465=The objective has our support.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01466=Victory is within sight! Press on!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01467=Continue supporting the objective! This will soon be over.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01468=Push forward! Our enemies are outmatched!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01469=We will wrest victory from the jaws of defeat.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01470=Do not give in to despair. Fight to the last!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01471=Fight with valor. Die with honor.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01472=We have trampled our foes underfoot.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01473=None can stand against the Purifiers.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01474=Victory is ours!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01475=Our enemies scatter before us.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01476=In unity, we have emerged triumphant.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01477=The Purifiers shall march beside it.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01478=Its safety shall be assured.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01479=We will vanquish any who threaten it.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01480=We are protecting the objective.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01481=No harm shall come to the objective.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01482=The objective is under the aegis of the Purifiers.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01483=We have seen the objective to a safe arrival.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01484=The Purifiers serve with honor and distinction.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01485=And so our journey is complete.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01486=Noble warriors, the day is ours!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01487=Valiantly done!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01488=None shall pass.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01489=Our enemies will break upon our ramparts.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01490=The Purifiers stand in defense.

Conversation/acResponses/Line01491=The battle is not yet over! Stand strong, Purifiers!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01492=Hold the line! Let none through!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01493=We shall stand eternal!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01494=Our enemies will not prevail!

Conversation/acResponses/Line01495=They shall not set foot upon this area!



새로운 사운드








여기서 AI는 정화자를 뜻하는 것 같습니다.


클로라리온 (공허의 유산 캠페인에 등장했던 정화자 집행관)


- 클로라리온은 용기병이거나 피닉스 사령관의 개발명이 클로라리온 일 수도 있습니다.





전투의 외침 (E)

범위 내 모든 아군의 공격 속도를 A초 동안 B% 증가시킵니다.



위상 분열기

소각 광선

- 공격무기 관련 데이터입니다.









정화 폭발 (V)



사령관 셀렌디스



유닛 셀렌디스

Button/Name/SOASummonSelendis=Deploy Selendis

셀렌디스 배치


Weapon/Name/SelendisInterceptorLaunch=Interceptor Launch

ActorUnit id="SelendisCoop" parent="GenericUnitStandard" unitName="SelendisCoop"

Model value="Mothership"

셀렌디스는 모선을 타고 인터셉터를 발사합니다



사령관 데하카


플레이어 사령관 데하카

UnitKillRank/DehakaCoop=Primal Pack Leader

UnitSubtitle/DehakaCoop=Primal Pack Leader

원시 무리 우두머리