출처는 여기:https://www.voetbalprimeur.nl/nieuws/755548/davids-wint-rechtszaak-tegen-league-of-legends-en-ziet-schadevergoeding-tegemoet.html

네델란드어라서 구글 번역기에서 영어로 돌리니까 그나마 좀 볼만하게 나오네요.

Edgar Davids has won a lawsuit against the Irish company Riot Games, a producer of, among others, League of Legends. Davids thought that a character from the video game seemed to be too much on him, and was judged by the court on Friday afternoon.The character 'Striker Lucian', which featured striking similarities with Davids, was available to players of League of Legends for payment. Davids believed, according to The Parool, that Riot Games made free use of his portrait rights and his "silent popularity".The Irish company argues that the similarities between Davids and Striker Lucian were not so big and that gamers would recognize the character rather than Davids. However, the court ruled differently: The De Pitbull is now entitled to compensation, funded by all revenue received by Riot Games for the character.Davids was already in the news earlier this week, after applying to the Scottish Heart of Midlothian
요약하자면 다비즈가 라이엇 게임즈가 롤에 나오는 스트라이커 루시안 스킨을 자신의 초상권과 인기를 공짜로 사용했다고 주장했고, 라이엇은 이에 다비즈와 루시안 스킨이 그렇게 많이 비슷하진 않다고 답했습니다. 하지만 법원은 다비즈의 손을 들어주었고, 라이엇은 이제 루시안으로 얻은 수입을 다비즈에게 보상해줘야 한다고 합니다.

참고로 비교 사진입니다.

그리고 레딧 댓글에 따르면 루시안으로 얻은 수익 전부를 주는게 아니라, 네덜란드에서 스트라이커 루시안 스킨으로 얻은 수익만 보상해주는 거라고 합니다.