2014. 10. 22

Downloads for 0.9.4 Common Test

Aslain's XVM Mod v3.9.20 (my contour icons + my XVM config) - 8.85M
Required fonts (in case you need them separately) - 2.54M

v3.9.20 (22-10-2014):
- updated XVM to
- changed token location, now it is stored in the user preferences: %APPDATA%Wargaming.netWorldOfTanksxvm
- updated camera scripts from Koshnaranek
- updated colors.xc for tdb and kb ratings
- updated Aslain's Gold Premium Tanks
- updated Aslain's colored tech tree icons
- updated Aslain's experimental and exp. centered icon contour mods
- updated Aslain's Modern icon contour mod (created a new template, lost the old one)
- updated Aslain's Regular, CB, Classical and Classical CB icon contour mods
- updated SafeShot (I've translated it to english)
- removed YasenKrasen PL (not updated, will add different session stats later)
- changed color of worst rating in 10 colors scale
- enabled WoT Tweaker (since I cannot verify it, use on your own risk)
- removed Win chance branch from the installer (now it's available only after loging on modxvm.com)