
We want to notify you that we found your EA Account to be in violation of our Rules of Conduct.

While reviewing your account, we saw the following violation:

Apex Legends


Being part of a gaming community should be positive, fun, fair, and safe for all. This means that we take any breaches of our Rules of Conduct, including toxic behavior, very seriously. We outline our commitment to this in our Positive Play Charter: https://www.ea.com/commitments/positive-play/charter.

In this case, we're giving you a warning. We take a cumulative approach to these offences and if we continue to see behavior like this, we will suspend or ban your account.

Our Rules of Conduct are Section 6 of our User Agreement:


You accept this agreement when you create an EA Account and download any of our games.

If you think we sent this to you by mistake, let us know: https://help.ea.com/en/help/account/information-about-banned-or-suspended-accounts/

Thank you,

EA Terms of Service

Case Number : 84100184

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