루리웹에서 외국기사를 대략 번역해서 올림
이 영문 기사에는 핵 포럼 공지글 링크가 거려 있어서 그 공지를 확인해 봄.

공지 원문 :
We have closed authentication servers until we figure out what is going on with the recent ban reports. We will keep you informed of progress updates in this thread. But, the thread will only be updated when appropriate.

Greetings Tyrants,
a lot of you died during the #1 official banwave by Blizzard, 6 days after our release.
We want to appologize for that. We are sorry, even tho everyone knows the risk, this was a very fast ban.
On the bright side, we think we found how the detection happened. It seems its new how Blizzard tries to catch people they think are breaching their 80 pages long EULA/TOS(게임이용약관). We know it is not fair, and we do all in our capacities to fix that.
We are already working on a better way to handle detection, there is no ETA(도착예정시간? 으로 추정) yet.
We also understand if you would like to ask for a refund. We have always been best in customer support, and it will stay this way.
I am however thinking, that if too many refund their payments, we will need to adjust prices, once we are back again. And to make sure only people use this software, that understand what they do, i will probably go with twice the price.
Blizzard in China have pinned on their forums over 1.500 people that where caught breaching their EULA/TOS and publicly announced every single nickname.

This is very stupid, I'd say. But what would you expect from Blizzard.
We have also seen, that there was just a timeframe where Blizzard had actively used their detection and then deactivated it again. As we hear of reports, that some that used the Tyrant in the very beginning, but not since then, are still fine on their accounts.

핵 감지방식이 HW관련인지 어떤 방식인지 확실하지는 않지만, 확실히 위협적인 밴이였던 듯, 핵제작자들은 밴리포트를 보면서 밴 원인을 파악 중