[] Aslain's ModPack v9.15.1.05 패치용 Aslain 모드팩 최신 업뎃 버전입니다.


오늘 낮에 아래 게시물에서 04버전으로 업뎃해서 올렸었는데, 밤에 05 버전이 또 올라와주네요.


그래 아슬란 핫산 바로 그거닷!



업뎃내용: (04버전 내용과 함께 올립니다)


v9.15.1.05 (02-08-2016):
- updated XVM 6.4.0-dev (6217) [use at own risk! it's not finished]
- added contour icons: corehorn, man1aq, pogs
- added crosshair Taipan 2
- fixed Hardscope crosshair (was missing on the list)
- updated PMOD to #22-4
- removed Team HP bar mods (this time effectively) [will re-add later, pmod has it too now]
- disabled Damage Panel with Angles (suspected for issues)
- detached contour icons from XVM and moved to Non-XVM section (now you can install them without XVM)

v9.15.1.04 (01-08-2016):
- updated XVM 6.4.0-dev (6208) [use at own risk! it's not finished]
- updated Battle Assistant v1.3.7
- updated Damage Log Gambiter (was causing ESC key, and chat issues)
- added contour icons: Torque
- added crosshair: Hardscope
- added ability to disable XVM's hitlog (by unchecking it)
- added the winchances showing in battle next to clock
- added Artillery sight on the minimap
- added XVM's sixth sense icons
- added XVM's clan icons packages
- fixed stats back-up system for YasenKrasen
- fixed Zoom in 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30
- removed Effective armor calculator (for own vehicle) (was activated by mistake)
- removed Team HP bar mods tratatank and Armagoman (temporary, waiting for stable)
- note: the greyed out mods (unselectable) are disabled by me, you cannot install them on purpose, they simply don't work currently, and requires update
- note2: I wasted another day of my vacations to make this, hope you enjoy :)




다이렉트 다운링크:




