[0.9.16] Aslain's ModPack v9.16.04


0.9.16 패치용 Aslain's ModPack 최신 업뎃입니다.


계속해서 신패치 이후 생긴 버그들을 계속 수정하며 많은 모드옵션들이 업뎃되고 있네요.



0.9.16 패치는 현재 러시아, 유럽, 북미서버만 해당됩니다.
한국, 아시아 서버는 패치이후에야 사용할 수 있습니다.



9.16 build 04 (09-10-2016):
- added contour icons: corecroft27, Milkym4n, Man1aq
- added Contour Icons installation mode: for Non-XVM
- added Extra Aim Info
- added option Reset the stats daily (at 6:00am) to YK stats
- added Personal Missions Helper
- updated Damage Panel with Angles (added repair time)
- updated crosshair: Oreshkin, Taipan 2, Standard with better timer, Kellerman, Blue
- updated Johny_Bafak's Vertical Techtree
- translated russian classes to english in Battle Observer mod (Team HP by Armagoman)
- removed Girls Und Panzer crew voices - Nonna (req. upd.)
- changed AutoAim Indicator+ config to make it stop spam on tanks with short reload
- reworked whole XVM carousel section (split up into normal and small) [select your options again]
- fixed installation of Timer #2 sound (10sec duration)



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