클래시오브클랜 인벤


시즈머신 경험치 1xp -> 30xp로 조정예정

Upcoming Siege Machine Update

Confirmed QoL changes coming:
Siege Machines - The game will automatically default to the last deployment you used. If you used a Siege Machine in your last attack, it will default to that setting for your next attack. If you didn't use a Siege Machine and just deployed CC troops normally, your next attack will use that setting instead. 

  • Status: Next update.

Siege Machines - Donating Siege Machines will now provide 30XP instead of 1XP.

  • Status: Next update.

So, we know the above is coming with the next update from the first post of the quality of life sticky thread. However, that thread is really designed for offering ideas, not debating them. There has been a bit of debate on this change in that thread and in other threads so I figured I would start a thread to discuss this change specifically. The change to increase donations to 30XP seems like a good choice that almost all would agree with. I’d like to see it count as 30 donation spaces too, but the XP change is good.

The default option change isn’t quite as universally loved. For me, personally, it will be better because I always use my SM on every attack. I would prefer a toggle be added to the home base much like the warden ground/air toggle (and would like the attack screen to add an option to change the warden much like the SM), but, overall this new default will be a benefit for me.

However, for players used to not using their SMs on general raids and only using them on war raids, this could cause some war attacks to go ahead without the SM being used. Those players will often be used to having a donated SM with the current default of “on” and now their default might be to only use the cc troops without the SM if their last attack didn’t use the SM.

Perhaps it would be better if it defaulted to your last multiplayer raid for your next multiplayer raid and for war raids it defaulted to your last war attack? Or always set to default of “on” for war attacks?
진작에 1xp는 말도안되는 수치였다고 생각함..경험치 올리는데에 재미붙인 저에겐 희소식이네요
(추가로 다음 공격시에 마지막에 사용한 클랜캐슬옵션상태로 적용될 예정 - 이전에 올라온글)

EXP 32,711 (63%) / 33,001

Lv49 Cocstar

32,711 (63%) / 33,001 ( 다음 레벨까지 290 / 마격까지 249 남음 )

이니 58,768

베니 728

제니 1,127

  • 4
  • 6
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1



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100392 레벨 아이콘 슈미니 04-18 389 0
100391 레벨 아이콘 슈미니 04-18 195 0
100390 레벨 아이콘 슈미니 04-18 208 0
100327 레벨 아이콘 슈미니 03-31 408 1
100326 레벨 아이콘 슈미니 03-31 479 2
100231 레벨 아이콘 슈미니 03-10 640 0
100181 레벨 아이콘 슈미니 02-29 521 0
100166 레벨 아이콘 슈미니 02-28 924 0
100165 레벨 아이콘 슈미니 02-28 651 0
100129 레벨 아이콘 슈미니 02-21 515 1
99724 레벨 아이콘 슈미니 10-25 1,838 2
99680 레벨 아이콘 슈미니 10-11 1,288 0
99544 레벨 아이콘 수박바 09-04 1,810 0
99163 레벨 아이콘 슈미니 06-21 1,543 1
99011 레벨 아이콘 슈미니 05-16 2,215 0
99009 레벨 아이콘 슈미니 05-16 1,223 0
99008 레벨 아이콘 슈미니 05-16 4,209 3
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98487 레벨 아이콘 슈미니 01-21 1,696 3
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97867 레벨 아이콘 슈미니 09-21 1,367 4
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97215 레벨 아이콘 슈미니 04-28 2,428 4
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명칭: 주식회사 인벤 | 등록번호: 경기 아51514 |
등록연월일: 2009. 12. 14 | 제호: 인벤(INVEN)

발행인: 서형준 | 편집인: 강민우 |
발행소: 경기도 성남시 분당구 구미로 9번길 3-4 한국빌딩 3층

발행연월일: 2004 11. 11 |
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2023.08.26 ~ 2026.08.25

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