Decreased penetration from 260 to 248mm
DPM increased from 2741.9 to 3128.6
Reload reduced from 8.534 to 7.479 seconds
RoF increased from 7.03 to 8.022
Reduced muzzle velocity from 1525 to 1250
Increased frontal turret armor from 80 to 150mm
Reduced accuracy from .288 to .326
Dispersion during turret rotation reduced from .058 to .038
Dispersion during hull rotation .153 to .115
Dispersion during turret rotation at maximum speed reduced from 2.19 to 1.46
Dispersion during forward movement at maximum speed reduced from 9.97 to 7.48
Dispersion during hull rotation at maximum speed reduced from 7.36 to 5.52

근데 관통너프가 엄청 크다