11.26- 11.28  라운드로빈방식 8팀 풀리그:1-4위 결정함.1위-4위는 플레이오프 승자조로 진출 .5위-8위는 플옵 패자조로


12.1-12.4 8강 플레이오프 더블엘리미네이션(베이징 워터큐브 오프라인)


아래 그림파일시간은 중국현지시간이라서 한국에선 1시간뒤라 보면 됩니다


Round Robin Schedule

November 26

Starts at 1 am PST (pst 시차가 17시간정도니 한국시간으론 오후6시일것 같습니다)

MVP Black vs. Team Dignitas and MVP Miracle vs. Ballistix (Simultaneous)

Astral Authority vs. MVP Black and Super Perfect Team vs. eStar Gaming (Simultaneous)

ZeroPanda vs. Ballistix and eStar Gaming vs. Team Dignitas (Simultaneous)

Super Perfect Team vs. ZeroPanda and Astral Authority vs. MVP Miracle (Simultaneous)

Super Perfect Team vs. Ballistix and Astral Authority vs. eStar Gaming (Simultaneous)

November 27

Starts at 1 am PST

Astral Authority vs. Team Dignitas and MVP Miracle vs. ZeroPanda (Simultaneous)

Astral Authority vs. Ballistix and MVP Miracle vs. MVP Black (Simultaneous)

eStar Gaming vs. ZeroPanda and Super Perfect Team vs. MVP Miracle (Simultaneous)

eStar Gaming vs. MVP Black and Team Dignitas vs. Ballistix (Simultaneous)

Super Perfect Team vs. MVP Black and ZeroPanda vs. Team Dignitas (Simultaneous)

November 28

Starts at 1 am PST

Super Perfect Team vs. Astral Authority and eStar Gaming vs. MVP Miracle (Simultaneous)

Astral Authority vs. ZeroPanda and eStar Gaming vs. Ballistix (Simultaneous)

ZeroPanda vs. MVP Black and Super Perfect Team vs. Team Dignitas (Simultaneous)

MVP Black vs. Ballistix and MVP Miracle vs. Team Dignitas (Simultaneous)