유튜브 댓글에 누가 쓴글인데 그럴듯 하네요

8티 유료 골탱 사용자와 10티 고수들을 위해서, 드랍박스 보상으로 7티 똥탱(이글7)을, 그리고 뜬금없이 9티 똥탱(패튼)을 풀었다는 것

2주 전
My theory? WG needs more useless players in Tier 7 and 9. So free premium tanks in both tiers. Now we can have faster games and waste more credits in all tiers... Good Tier 10 players dream with 10 Patton the Tank enemies, good tier 8 want lots of noobs with eagles... And Skill enter the game doing this video with paid actors