v1.18.1.1 #00 (20-10-2022):
- initial compatibility with WoT
- updated XVM 10.1.1_3
- updated YasenKrasen Text extension
- updated the anti-mirror for non-contour icons
- updated sound_notifications.xml, main_sound_modes.xml [used in few mods]
- updated Skins on destroyed vehicles
- updated all contour icons maintained by me in TIM
- updated Requesting Fire Marker
- updated Minimap markers: Enlarged location icons, Requesting Fire Marker on the minimap
- updated Players Panel HP Bars
- updated Garage: Minimalistic
- updated Change client language
- updated Expected Vehicle Values
- updated Gnomefather's Historical Realism Engine Sounds (FastestClassic)
- updated Alternative Vehicle Markers (OTM without XVM)
- updated Battle Equipment
- updated Outlining Colors by Kurzdor
- updated Discord Rich Presence Support
- updated Serial Number Changer by Kurzdor
- updated Vehicle State
- removed until updated: Editable tank filter sets for carousel