v9.12.9 (26-11-2015):
- added Wotrc [random camouflage for every tank] by tratatank (next to White Dead Skins)
- added vBAddict's ATS and BRR mods [fixed garage bug]
- added Voice of Caleb (from Blood video game) by Palantyre
- added new reload sounds: UP, Sabot UP, Standby (random mix)
- added custom spg crosshair: Melty
- added new option to XVM minimap: white line with dots every 100m
- added Team HP Counter by Tratatank
- added Server turret extended by spoter [synchronizes regular gun with a server crosshair]
- added Autoaim extended by spoter
- changed position of txt reload in ZJ OTM Reload [moved over the tank]
- updated contour icons: Druids


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