[0.9.16] Aslain's ModPack v9.16.21



0.9.16 패치용 Aslain's ModPack 최신 업뎃입니다.



자잘한 버그들이 계속 생겼다가 고쳐졌다가 그러네요.


22버전이 다시 올라오긴 했는데, 업뎃내용이 달랑 한줄이라서 그냥 넘어가겠습니다.

(22버전에서 Minimap Tankview Extended 옵션이 전서버 금지모드로 되어서 모드팩에서 삭제되었습니다)




9.16 build 21 (24-10-2016):
- added damage indicator Harpoon
- updated XVM to v6.4.7.1
- updated default XVM damage log config (it's still being developed hence many updates)
- updated contour icons: Ghostman101278 v2
- replaced damage log gambiter mod files with different one (to fix chat issues)
- replaced Check for Aslain's ModPack updates in garage with previous version
- reworked option: Right: HP (%) [you can install it with tier on the left side now]
- moved hangar ping more to the left
- note the Minimap Tankview Extended is considered illegal on the NA region now




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