[ /] (재수정) Aslain's ModPack v9.19.0 #07 (00->05->07) / v9.18.0 #33 패치용 및 패치용 Aslain's ModPack 최신버전 입니다.




이 게시물에서 버전 모드팩을 다시 #07 버전으로 신규업뎃 합니다. (00->05->07)




러시아섭 및 유럽, 북미섭등은 이미 클라이언트가 버전으로 정규패치 되었습니다.


아시아섭은 아직 클라이언트 버전입니다. #33 버전에서 더이상 업데이트는 없을것으로 보입니다.






v9.19.0 #07 (01-06-2017):
- updated XVM to nightly 7577
- updated Battle Observer 1.08.3
- updated contour icons: Wizard [known problem: some tanks icons might be missing], DEbranded
- added Real time in-Battle achivements
- added Polish language to YasenKrasen session stats
- translated Crew Exp Extended to EN, DE, PL
- reduced nick name lenght on advanced statistics tab from XVM, to prevent overlapping
- fixed Battle Hits Viewer
- fixed Damage Panel KobkaG [was different mod]


v9.19.0 #06 (01-06-2017):
- updated Johny_Bafak's Vertical Techtree v9.19.0 #1
- updated Damage Panel Rabbit
- updated Damage Panel Shtys
- updated Damage Panel KobkaG
- updated Damage Panel Zayaz
- updated Damage Panel with angles
- updated contour icons: Octagon
- added Crew Auto Return
- added Crew Skill Informer
- removed Crew Voice Selector


v9.19.0 #05 (31-05-2017):
- added Elkano's Received Damage Announcer
- added tank skins (Milkym4n etc.)
- updated XVM to nightly 7573
- updated Damage Log Gambiter
- updated session stats YasenKrasen 9.19
- updated Session Stats TimeSpent 
- updated contour icons: PogS, Panzerschiffer, Frost, Witblitz


v9.19.0 #04 (31-05-2017):
- updated session stats Tomonik
- updated modslistapi v1.0.3
- updated Class colored icons (by Ghostman101278)
- updated PMOD #26-2 (naprawiono problem podczas gry LT10)
- updated contour icons: Milkym4n, corecroft27, Ghostman101278
- updated crosshair: Harpoon mini [it's russian version for now]
- added Gnomefather's Historical Realism Gun Sounds (by Zorgane)
- removed crosshair: Harpoon [waiting for update]


v9.19.0 #03 (31-05-2017):
- updated XVM to 6.7.1 [critical upd. which fixes many hangar problems]
- updated contour icons: man1aq, GolKosh
- updated Black minimalistic hangar
- updated IGR Tech (BatCave)
- added Selected tank highlighter on XVM carousel
- info: sorry for so many updates today, but you want to have stable modpack right? I have to follow critical updates from the other mods


v9.19.0 #02 (31-05-2017):
- updated XVM to 6.7.1-dev [nightly 7564] 
- updated contour icons: Riskynet (by colt87), Jackhammer/Tomsa, Webium, J1mbo
- updated AutoTelescope
- added Battle Results window by Ragnarocek
- added Change client messages to Polish language
- added VersusMod
- removed: Crew Auto Return, TessuMod
- info: Don't install outdated contour icons, it's them causing problem with missing elements, i.e. on damage panel 


v9.19.0 #01 (31-05-2017):
- updated XVM to 6.7.0-dev [nightly 7560] 
- added Research Watchdog
- added Chat filter
- added Battle Hits Viewer [in garage section]
- info: expect more updates today, also XVM is still unstable


v9.19.0 #00 (30-05-2017):
- initial version for WoT
- updated XVM to 6.7.0-dev [nightly 7552] (it's an unfinished 9.19 version!)
- updated contour icons: Aslain, Grandorf, Corehorn, Witblitz, Qualan (other contour icons are outdated, it's not recommended to install them for now)
- updated anti-mirror files
- updated PMOD #26-1
- updated WoT Tweaker
- updated Tank Lights
- updated Camo Selector
- updated Colored chat messages "Chat + Kill-log"
- updated Radial Menu
- updated Compact horizontal tech-tree
- updated Camouflage colored icons (by TPblHbl4_78)
- updated Icons with better contrast on Tech-Tree (by TPblHbl4_78)
- updated Premium tanks colored by gold (by Aslain)
- updated Class colored icons (by Aslain)
- updated Ikonki pokolorowane klasą czołgu (by Aslain)
- updated Radio WG.FM
- updated Equip Auto by ekspoint
- updated More visible minimap coordinates
- updated Damage Log Gambiter
- updated White Dead Skins    
- updated Hangar Armor Inspector
- updated hitzones: KoreanRandom, Esther
- updated AutoQuest (automatic mission changer)
- updated Multi Hit Log - InBattle WN8, EFF, Damage
- updated crosshairs: Damocles, J1mbo, Standard+, Hardscope, Protanki
- updated Hangman Hangar manager
- updated full clan icons for XVM [EU, NA, ASIA] by Aslain
- removed: Research Watchdog, tank skins, Gnomefather's Historical Realism Gun Sounds (by Zorgane), Chat filter, Crew Skill Informer, Elkano's Received Damage Announcer, Annoying Features Remover by Reichsfackel, Selected tank highlighter, Custom shell, consumable, module icons and more (by willow2000), Change client messages to Polish language, Advanced tips for skills [PL], Painted Rollers, Show Any Tank In Hangar, vBAddict, Versus, YasenKrasen Text extension
- Info: removed mods will be re-added to the modpack when their authors updates them
- info: few aim circles have their reload animation bugged, but works. I will update them when possible


v9.18.0 #33 (28-05-2017):
- added skin: Strv S1 Remodel (Milkym4n)
- updated skin: Jagdpanzer E 50 [fixed game crashing]




모드팩 인스톨 설명 동영상






다이렉트 다운링크 패치버전 (러시아, 유럽, 북미섭)

http://usa01.gamersplatoon.com/Aslains_WoT_Modpack_Installer_v.9.19.0_07.exe 패치버전 (아시아섭)





모드팩 인스톨러 주의사항 


모드팩 설치시 미리보기를 꼭 체크하세요 (설치 진행 초반)



전차아이콘 옵션을 쓰기 위해선 미러반전 체크 필수



모드팩을 설치시 모드 폴더는 깨끗이 비우고 설치하세요 (설치 진행 후반)








