When I first got this game a few weeks ago, I could run it at 1440p Ultra at like 130-80 FPS, with the framerate remaining high unless there was a red zone bombing or I was inside a house.

I've had to progressively turn down settings over time because the framerate keeps dropping, and now I'm running post processing low, textures ultra, and everything else medium and I'm getting 90 FPS on average with lots of stuttering and dips.

Anyone else notice this issue?

처음 게임 시작 때 1440P 울트라 옵션으로 80~130 프레임을 유지하면서 플레이 가능했지만, 시간이 지나면서 프레임이 계속 떨어지더니, 결국 옵션을 낮춰야 했고 이제는 평균적으로 90대 프레임을 유지하지만 버벅거림과 순간 프레임 하락 등을 겪고 있음.

: https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/6wcq2n/performance_dropping_over_time/