Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where Control Points could be contested by Hallucinations while in Stasis or Stopped
  • Fixed an issue where Brightwing's Soothing Mist coud remain active while in cargo, dead, or in stasis
  • Fixed an issue where Tassadar's Electric Fence would not damage unstoppable enemies, and would damage relentless enemies more frequently
  • Fixed an issue where Tassadar's Feedback would apply to non-Heroes
  • Fixed an issue where Cassia's Martial Law would be reduced by Armor or Defense Matrix
  • Fixed an issue where Cassia's Imprisoning Light could apply to the target affected by the initial Valkyrie pull
  • Fixed an issue where Mei would use Kharazim's voice lines
  • Fixed an issue where Mei's Flash Freeze would cause the trigger enemy to have their movement locked


  • Tassadar's Oracle now reveals for 2 seconds, up from 0.4 seconds
  • Mei's Avalanche now has a FinishTime of 0.0625s(This won't matter too much, just means she can't do anything for 0.0625s, the ability still fires when it does)


  • Mei's Announcer is now Epic rarity(the price is stored online, this may just be a colour update as D.Va's update to Epic was last patch, and the price already was epic)