안녕하세요, 99.7% 무과금 카라잔 클리어 공략 올렸던 무과금 유저였고, 지금도 무과금 유저인 사람입니다. 이제 저작권드립 안칠게요
이번에는 리치왕 공략을 들고왔습니다.
저는 이번 공략에서도, 무과금의 갓갓, 우리의 구세주 유튜버 TommyJ님의 도움을 다시한번 받아보기로 했습니다. 아니나다를까, 레딧에 공략글을 올려두셨습니다. 하지만, 마지막 공략에는 일반카드와 희귀카드를 제외하고도 영웅카드를 쓰는 덱들도 올려놓았더군요. 영웅카드는 이 덱을 위해 만들긴 너무 비쌉니다. 그래서 마지막 리치왕 공략은, 또다른 유튜버 ZeroMana님의 덱도 채용, 설명해 드릴 것입니다.
(물론 저는 얼음왕관을 비취 드루이드, 어그로 토큰 드루이드, 해적 전사, 멀록 기사, 멀록 덱으로 클리어했습니다. 물론 풀과금 버전으로요. 죄송합니다.....)

Zeromana님의 전직업 리치왕 공략: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyeeVKqW5dY&feature=share

이 글들을 보고 하시면 되지만, 하지만 영어를 못하는 뉴비들은 어쩌란 겁니까...
그래서 전 누가 이거 이미 번역해서 올렸을 줄 알았죠. 근데 짜잔! 카라잔때처럼 총정리 공략글같은건 하나밖에 없고 여기저기 띄엄띄엄 있네요? 그럼 어떡하겠습니까. 제가 번역해야죠. 네.
아 참고로, TommyJ님의 덱리스트의 사진들은 공식 이미지를 갖다 쓸 것인지라 영어인 점 양해 부탁드리겠습니다. 근데 솔직히 스페인어로 해놓아도 뭔지 알아볼거잖아요. 영어여도 그냥 보도록 합시다. 정 모르겠으면, 질문은 항상 열려있습니다.
(물론 "하티"님이 이미 훌륭한 얼음왕관의 공략을 적어놓으시긴 했습니다만, 살펴보니 덱에 멀록 전투대장 등 비싸고 곧 너프되는 카드들, 그리고 멀록 시리즈같이 활용하려면 비싼 가격이 들어서 만들어놓고 안쓰게 될 가능성이 있는 카드들이 많이 들어있는 공략인 것 같아서 이 공략으로 대체해 봅니다. 그 공략과 덱 구성도 다르니, 그거 보시고 안되시면 여기 와서서 보시고 하셔도 될 듯 합니다.
(아 그리고 물론 멀전대는 곧 너프되어 가루 100%환불이 가능해질 예정이니, 내가 딱 멀전대만 없고 여유가루도 많다! 하시는 분들은 멀전대 만들고 나중에 환불받는게 낫습니다. 물론 기타 멀록들은 환불받지 못해서 대부분의 멀록들과 사우르스가 없으시다면 안 만드는게 나으시겠지만요. 멀전대 사용 공략은 위 링크로.)
하여튼, 시작하겠습니다. 
원문에서는 공략 관련된 부분만 가져왔고 제 코멘트도 좀 달았으니, 기타 코멘트가 보고싶다 하시면 원본을 봐주세요.
1. 성채 하층
1-1. 군주 매로우가르

매로우가르와 싸울 때에는, 커브에 맞게 플레이하고, 뼈 폭풍을 조심하며 비교적 강한 필드를 만드세요. 그리고, 모든 뼈 가시들을 훔칠 필요는 없습니다. 초반에 걸렸다 하면 그냥 죽이세요. 애 훔쳐오는게 클리어의 필수 조건은 아닙니다. 제가 이거 깼을때도 얘 없이 깼어요. 

필드를 쌓을 때에는, 하수인은 최대 7개까지만 깔 수 있단 걸 명심하고, 필드에 너무 참피들만 있어서 즉발 30딜을 넣지 못하면, 몇 마리를 죽여서 더 나은 하수인으로 교체해야 합니다. 
멀리건: 북녘골, 마눈, 고통, 아니면 아무 공격력 2짜리 2코 하수인.

추가할 카드: 빛의 감시자, 교회누나, 생각 훔치기.

빛감은 매로우가르가 자힐을 한다는 점에서, 교회누나는 뼈가시 훔치기용, 생훔도 뼈가시 훔치기용으로 넣기 좋습니다. 단, 3턴 생훔을 하면 필드 뻇길수도 있으니 조심하세요.

빼도 되는 카드: 수액과 엘프궁수를 뺴시고, 가시덩굴 사냥꾼도 넣을 더 좋은 게 있다면 뺴셔도 됩니다.

(역주: 물론 어설프게 수정하느니 덱리 그대로 하시는게 나을수도 있습니다.)

뼈 폭풍:

주문 카드. 2코 칼부.

뼈 가시: 

0/8 하수인. 내 턴이 시작될 떄마다, 상대 영웅에게 15의 피해를 줍니다.

1-2. 죽음의 인도자 사울팽

조심할 것들은 피의 칼날과 피의 괴물입니다. 특히 후자는 필드에 나오자마자 즉시 처치해야합니다. 처치 안하면 데미지가 딸려요. 사울팽이 20피밖에 없다는 것을 유념하시고요, 얘가 힐만 안한다면 꺠기 그리 어렵지 않다는 걸 알아채게 되실 겁니다. 예를 들어 어게이, 이글이, 영격이면 충분할겁니다.

(이글도끼 너프후에도 깨기 그리 어렵지 않을겁니다. 여기선 2코고 3코고 별로 안중요하거든요 -역주)

멀리건: 어게이 1장정도, 이글도끼, 영격, 초반 하수인들.

추가할 카드들: 강력한 무기들과 무기 시너지 카드들. 강화, 죽빨, 저주받은검, 영혼의 제련소, 호바트 등.

참고로 영웅능력의 사용을 막는 카드들은 얘 상대로 소용없습니다.

뺴도 되는 카드: 꿀주먹, 구루바시, 어둠골치료사는 좀 무거워서 더 저코의 더 효율적인 하수인들을 넣는 것이 빠른 클리어에 더 도움이 될 것입니다.

 피 괴물: 

3코 2/4 하수인. 내 턴이 시작될 때, 내 영웅의 생명력을 3 회복시킵니다.

1-3. 여교주 데스위스퍼

저는 이게 100% 기본덱으로 가능은 하다고 생각됩니다만, 일반 카드 4장, 치마 2장 결속 2장을 넣는 것이 클리어 확률을 더욱 높일 수 있는 방법이라 생각했습니다. 뭐 그 카드가 없으시다면, 초반 하수인들 몇개를 더 집어넣어서 어둠비늘 치유사 또는 신폭+영능 콤보를 사용할 떄까지 버틸 수 있도록 해 주세요.

주요 전략은 필드를 도발만 다 잡을 수 있을정도로 최대한 잡고, 발리스리아를 풀피로 채워줄 카드들을 모아서 명치를 치는 것입니다.

이 덱에서 발리스리아를 풀피로 채울 수 있는 콤보들은 다음과 같습니다; 치마X2(0마나 필요), 결치X2(1마나 필요), 부두교 의술사 X2+ 영능 (3코), 어둠골 치유사X2 또는 신폭X2 + 영능(7마나)

총 10번 풀피로 만들 수 있네요.

멀리건: 부두교 의술사, 또는 꿈의 콤보 북녘골 성직자+치마. 바로 명치를 칠 수 있꼐 해주는데다가 카드 드로우까지!

추가할 카드들: 호젠 치유사, 얼굴없는 배후자 또는 얼굴없는 불가사의, 힐 카드들

또 침묵기를 추가할 수도 있지만, 그러면 발리스리아가 죽게 되니 조심합시다.

뺄 수 있는 카드들: 저코 힐카드들을 추가할 거라면 어둠골을 뺴고, 멀록들도 별로 하는 게 없으니 빼도록 합시다.

발리스리아 드림워커: 

피해를 받은 상태에서는 공격하거나 공격받을 수 없습니다.

2.성채 상층

2-1. 피의 여왕 라나텔

물론 아군만 물 수 있는 것은 아니지만, 이상적인 플레이는 내 하수인들만 무는 것이므로 커브에 맞춰 카드를 내는 것이 도움이 많이 되고, 또 전함으로 다른 하수인을 소환하는 하수인들도 도움이 많이 됩니다. 또 라나텔은 그 턴에 죽일 수 있는 카드들, 또는 북녘골같은 카드들에 영능을 쓰는 것을 우선시하고 있는 것으로 보이므로, 이것을 염두에 두시기 바랍니다.

멀리건: 1/2코 아무거나. 라나텔이 1턴에 바로 변신시키지는 않으므로, 1턴 플레이가 없는것은 그리 큰 문제가 되지 않습니다.

추가할 카드들: 2/5체력 하수인들, 교회누나.

뺄 카드들: 그냥 같은 코스트의 카드들을 뺴고 넣으세요. 예를 들어 갓갓갓갓갓을 좇좇좇좇좇으로 바꾼다던가.

("좇"은 욕설이 아닙니다)

2-2. 교수 퓨트리사이드

이 싸움은 그의 비밀들을 카운터치고, 후에 올 페이즈들을 준비하는 것입니다. 자라나는 수액은 모두 죽이세요. 나중에 힘들어집니다.

이 싸움은 3개의 페이즈로 나누어집니다.

페이즈 1: 30피에 15 방어도로 시작하고, 모든 비밀이 0이 되는 영능을 가지고 있습니다.

페이즈 2 - 방어도를 다 까면, 페이즈 2로 들어갑니다. 방어도 15를 더 얻고, 영웅능력을 "모든 무기의 비용이 1이 됩니다"로 바꾼 뒤, 구린속을 소환합니다. 구린속은 3/5에 모든 상대 하수인들에게 3딜을 먹이는 능력을 가지고 있습니다.

페이즈 3 - 방어도를 또 다 까면, 3페이즈에 돌입하면서 영웅 능력이 "모든 카드의 비용이 5가 됩니다"로 바뀝니다. 그리고 전사 전설카드 썩은얼굴을 소환합니다.

퓨트리사이드가 사용할 수 있는 비밀들은 다음과 같습니다: 

냥꾼: 빙덫, 독사덫, 고양이마술, 화살 덫

법사: 마차, 얼어붙은 분신, 복제, 증발.

기사: 앙갚음, 코도, 신성한 시험

그에게 무기가 있지 않은 이상은, 내 턴에 페이즈를 바꿔서 구린속과 썩은얼굴에 효과적인 대응을 가능하게 해야 합니다. 죽이던가 정배로 뻇어오던가 하세요.

퓨트리가 뭔 비밀을 갖고 있는지 알아내는게 가장 어려웠고요, 수액도 집고가는게 좋습니다. 3/6 무기 아파요.

멀리건: 북녘골, 마눈, 엘궁, 고통, 수액. 엘궁을 뽑았다면 수액이 나올떄까지 기다리는것이 좋습니다.

추가할 카드들: 비밀지기와 비삼자는 퓨트리를 조지게 쉽게 해줍니다. 케잔 비술사도 좋아요.

뺴도 되는 카드들: 가시덩굴 사냥꾼과 멀록 바다사냥꾼.

2-3. 신드라고사

The trick to this fight is transitioning her with nothing on the board, which actually wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. Holding board control is surprisingly easy since her hero power doesn’t do anything, so you just need to focus on her minions until you’re ready to transition. The two ways this deck can transition Sindra is using either Mind Blast, or if you really have to, Holy Nova.

The first try I had at this I made many, many misplays, which led to myself getting an extra Block of Ice on my side of the board on both of her transitions, since I didn’t notice her hero power changed to create blocks again at 10hp. I technically still won, but decided to just concede and go again properly. Really this just shows that even with mistakes you can bring it back on this boss, and you definitely don’t need perfect play to win this one.

Mulligan: Northshire Cleric or Mind Blast are the two you really care about. Try to throw away spells unless it’s an early Mind Vision, otherwise you’ll just end up taking more damage from Unchained Magic.

Cards to Add: Silences such as Spellbreaker or Kabal Songstealer can help if you’re having trouble with Abomination or Chillmaw and the board clear they bring. Other than that, just better quality minions that have come in more recent expansions. Ice Rager is a good value card since Sindra lacks real board clear.

Cards to Remove: Murloc Tidehunter and Razorfen Hunter are probably the worst minions in this deck and well worth replacing. Swapping Magma Rager and Ice Rager is a reasonable idea if you have it.


Overall, this wing is probably my favourite from any adventure so far. It really captured the feel of ICC, particularly with respect to Blood-Queen Lana’thel, and I thought the humor was great again. None of the fights were over the top difficulty wise, but they each had a unique twist, which I personally really appreciate in this sort of content. I had assumed the Sapphiron fight would be a little closer to the WoW version - maybe her hero power changing to destroy the Blocks of Ice and then you need to form more to defend yourself (or something along those lines), but I still enjoyed it in the end.


리치 왕
(Zeromana님의 모든 덱의 공통 공략영상: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyeeVKqW5dY&feature=share)
1. 마법사
1-1. TommyJ님의 덱

Strat TL;DR: Get Fledgling on board, protect it with spells and minions, while buffing it by attacking. Control the board using spells instead of just trading. Fledgling has 2 required buffs - Windfury and Liquid Membrane (can’t be targeted by enemy spells/hero powers).

So for Mage, I felt there were two ways to go about this fight; either heal yourself up/counterspell the Lich King’s cast in the first place and play the long game, or to rush him down, and rushing him down is cheaper (and to be honest not that difficult, since Mage has such great basic spells compared to other classes).


Mulligan: Vicious Fledgling and Frostbolt. Any other early plays are good too, but these two are the most important.

Cards to Add: Cabal Lackey + Counterspell combo (to prevent you getting to 1hp in the first place), other control style spells such as Cone of Cold, or even a Blizzard to ensure that on your second last turn you can go face only with everything on your board. If you’re wanting to reduce his HP, Manabind can reduce him to 1 hp, but he will still have his 30 armor (not confirmed). Mana Wyrm is also a great card to add that synergises very well with the mage in general, and can be played on turn 1 (thanks /u/Shivhana).

Cards to Remove: Booty Bay Bodyguard, particularly if you’re looking to replace it with a different taunt, or a control spell. Murloc Raider, Murloc Tidehunter, and River Crocolisk can all be replaced by better value minions, if you have them.

1-2. Zeromana님의 덱
덱 코드: AAECAf0EAA9NuwKVA78DqwS0BOYElgW8CPSvAuu6AoS7Ar/BAsbBAu7TAgA=

2-1. TommyJ님의 덱
덱 코드: AAEBAR8AD40BpAKoArUDhwTJBK4G7QbrB5cIxQjbCemrAp/CAobDAgA=

Unfortunately you can’t actually make a hunter deck with basic cards that can do this fight, otherwise it would be a lot cheaper, since there are only 6 different hunter spells that are basic - you’d end having to put in 18 minion cards and taking 36 damage straight up and just die against the Lich King. Note that a ton of these cards are just spells that I put in for the sake of not putting in more minions, so any hunter spells you may have can replace them and make the deck cheaper (such as Grievous Bite and Explosive Trap).


Strat TL;DR: Get Fledgling on board, protect it with spells and minions, while buffing it by attacking. Fledgling has 2 required buffs - Windfury and Liquid Membrane (can’t be targeted by enemy spells/hero powers).

As far as strategy goes, in general, things like Snipe, Freezing Trap, Animal Companion, and several other spells are very, very good for protecting the Fledgling, and successfully protecting it will be key to getting this fight down. One cool thing is that even if you don’t happen to kill him before turn 7 it’s not impossible to finish him off due to cards like Unleash the Hounds, and the synergy they get with other hunter cards, such as Leokk (which is actually what happened to me during my kill). Keep in mind that if you buff the Fledgling with a Houndmaster, it can be killed by The Black Knight, whether it has the buff Liquid Membrane or not.


Mulligan: Vicious Fledgling is a requirement, with things like Freezing Trap, Snipe, or other cards that will help you protect it.

Cards to Add - Crackling Razormaw, Alleycat, or any weapons you may have such as Piranha Launcher, Eaglehorn Bow, or even Gladiator’s Longbow.

Cards to Remove: Grievous Bite, Explosive Trap are by far the least two impactful cards in this deck.

2-2. Zeromana님의 덱
덱 코드: AAECAR8ChwTFCA6NAagCtQPeBO0G6wfbCYEKuK0C6rsC570Cn8IChsMCjsMCAA==

3-1. TommyJ님의 덱
덱 코드: AAEBAZ8FAtwDscICDka/Af8CxQPbA/4D0AfdCowOiq0CrbwC07wCncIChsQCAA==

Strat TL;DR: it’s a murloc deck, rush him down by playing, buffing, and maintaining your murlocs as best you can, and finish by playing a Gentle Megasaur to buff your Murlocs. Use Light’s Justice to help hold the board.

So the general strategy with this is playing on curve, and ideally not losing any minions. What this means is that you may have to restart a few times if the Lich King’s minions overwhelm you, or you don’t draw a Coldlight Seer to buff the murlocs health. Where you do lose murlocs, Light’s Justice can help you remove them quickly. Since the plan is to kill The Lich King before turn 7, you taking face damage shouldn’t be an issue. Blessing of Wisdom will provide you with your card draw, just make sure you attack with the buffed minion first in case you draw a better play than what you already have.


Mulligan: Murloc Tidecaller for the turn 1 play, any turn 2 play, and a Coldlight Seer would be ideal, and potentially a Blessing of Wisdom mixed in to that. If you do draw a Gentle Megasaur, it may be worth holding onto if you have early plays too.

Cards to Add: Murlocs! Murloc Warleader, a second Gentle Megasaur, Old Murk-Eye or Finja, the Flying Star.

Cards to Remove: Grimscale Chum isn’t required, and may even slow down your momentum if you have say a Murloc Tidecaller that you’d rather play.

Just as a side note, I did try this for a fair while with a different deck, getting within one turn of winning a few times, but could never finish it. It’s a variant of Vicious Fledgling decks I’ve used for a few others, it’s just harder to trade away minions since they’ll end up on the other side of the board. The deck as follows if you’re interested in trying it, but it will take serious RNG: Link

3-2. Zeromana님의 덱
덱 코드: AAECAaToAgKzwQKGxAIOxQPbA9wD/gPjBfQFrwfQB/4H2a4CrbwC07wCncIC++ECAA==

4-1. TommyJ님의 덱

Unfortunately the only way I see you being able to make a massively cheaper deck than the one provided is going with a Vicious Fledgling and protecting it until you get it massively buffed, and this deck I’ve created looks to be much more consistent than that. There are a few Wild Cards, but they are just commons, so should be cheap to put into the deck if you don’t have Wild Cards. Also, while the Tar Lords aren’t a requirement and can be replaced with anything you’d like, the Obsidian Destroyers are.


Strat TL;DR hold off until Frostmourne phase, Brawl then double Obsidian Destroyer with 1 spirit up to build a massive board, push into final phase and finish off.

So there are two ways this deck can go about beating the Lich King. The first of which is just play normally, hoping for Brawl to easily take him out of his second phase and with a bit of luck you can probably get it down. The other is to hold him in his Frostmourne phase, build a board, and go from there with a massive board.


Ideally, this is how the game will go. Pre turn seven - you maintain the board, build some armor and try to keep his board clear. Your seventh turn - you have no/few minions on the board. LK’s seventh turn - gains Frostmourne, hits something on your board/your face for 5. Your eighth turn - you Brawl. A single Trapped Soul remains. You play something/do nothing LK’s eighth turn - he hits with weapon for 5 and with Trapped Soul for 2. Your ninth turn - you Obsidian Destroyer. LK’s ninth turn - kills Scarab, hits Obsidian Destroyer (probably for 5). Your tenth turn - you drop Obsidian Destroyer. LK’s tenth onwards - kills Scarab with weapon, and Scarab with Trapped Soul. Trapped Soul loses 1hp.

So without healing the trapped soul, this gives you up to 6 turns of building your board to prepare for his final phase, with armor or just getting cards/minions you need. He will also technically mill himself since he will never play cards during this phase. Just be careful playing other taunts, because he can and will kill his Trapped Soul himself, forcing the end of the phase. Similarly, dropping a Stormwind Champion will make your Scarab hit for 2, once again ending the phase earlier. One thing to keep in mind is that if you manage to get a Frothing Berserker down during this phase, he will get an extra 3 damage per turn (Scarab being hit by weapon, Scarab being hit by Trapped Soul), so you can potentially come out of it with a massive Berserker (or two!).


Mulligan: Armorsmith, Murloc Tidehunter, Frothing Berserker, or Ravaging Ghoul are all decent cards to start with - just make sure you can play something each turn.

Cards to Add: A second Brawl in case you get in trouble during the mid game, as well as weapons such as Arcanite Reaper, or for more deck synergy, Blood Razor or Death’s Bite.

Cards to Remove: Tar Lord is both in the Wild Cardset and comes into the game quite late, so would be an OK choice to replace. Murloc Tidehunter, Voodoo Doctor, and Elven Archer could also be replaced, but keep the curve in mind.


4-2. Zeromana님의 덱
덱 코드: AAECAQcEhgH3BYuvAsfDAg3IBfEF+gz5rAL6rAKFrQKGrQKywQKawgLjwgLmwgLvwgKZxwIA

5-1. TommyJ님의 덱

Strat TL;DR Gadgetzan Auctioneer into Jade Idol spam.

One thing that’s cool about this deck is that it’s literally made up of 7 cards, and the rest are just random minions that will be removed to ensure you draw what you want. Originally I did go for a deck with a single Gadgetzan Auctioneer and a single Jade Idol, but it was too reliant on whether or not that Gadgetzan Auctioneer died off quickly. Adding the second really does drastically improve the chances you’ll win with this deck. I then added the Jade Behemoth because it still felt like the Auctioneers were a little too vulnerable, and it’s a great common card that synergises well with the deck.

So the basic idea is that you’ll hold out just using your hero power until you have at minimum, Gadgetzan Auctioneer, Innervate, and Jade Idol. Depending on cards remaining and mana, you’ll then play the Innervate and Auctioneer (or vice versa), into the Jade Idol, and select to shuffle 3 copies of the Idol into your deck. When deciding whether to spawn a minion or shuffle 3 more copies into your deck, check how many you have remaining - if it’s 1, then you have to shuffle, but if it’s more than 1 you can summon (personally I liked to shuffle at 2 cards remaining just because I was worried I’d stuff it up). Jade Behemoth whenever you deem necessary, keeping in mind they’re also a magnet for Obliterate, which draws it away from your Auctioneer.

Quick tips for those who don’t often use the Gadgetzan Auctioneer - If you only have 1 card left to draw and are going to double Innervate, Auctioneer, Jade Idol, make sure you think about the order to not draw yourself out. For example, Innervate, Auctioneer, Innervate, Jade Idol will draw an extra point of fatigue damage.


Mulligan: any card that will not be removed by the Lich Kings’ special ability. At best you’ll end up having 3 you can’t play until later anyway, but it does mean you’ll get all of your cards quicker.

Cards to add: other Jade cards that you may have, but if you add more than another 2-3 I’d definitely add a second Jade Idol to prevent RNG making it harder to draw one.

Cards to Remove: if you’re putting in more Jade, either take out the Behemoth or random cards that are only there to be instantly discarded.

5-2. Zeromana님의 덱
덱 코드: AAECAZICAvkKoM0CDkBDrwH+AaEC0wKFA5oHpAfkCJ4JtLsCy7wC3b4CAA==

6-1. TommyJ님의 덱

Strat TL;DR: Get Fledgling on board, protect it with spells and minions, while buffing it by attacking. Fledgling has 2 required buffs - Windfury and Liquid Membrane (can’t be targeted by enemy spells/hero powers).

To be honest, I feel like the Lich King’s ability against the Warlock isn’t super strong, since there are several warlock decks built with this idea in mind anyway. Having said that, it’s still not easy, and once again will take a bit of RNG. Ideally, you’ll put a Knife Juggler out turn 2, a Vicious Fledgling Turn 3, and then just spam minions such as the Bilefin Tidehunter to keep it alive. Any turn 1 drops you manage to get should only make it easier. Also, based on what I’ve noticed about the Lich King’s AI, you should definitely drop a Voidwalker on turn one if you get it, since sometimes he just goes out of his way to kill it due to the taunt (for example, coining out an Obliterate).


Mulligan: Vicious Fledgling, Voidwalker, Knife Juggler, and Bilefin Tidehunter.

Cards to Add: Better value early/agro minions, or any spells you may have to help the Fledgling, such as Flame Imp, Possessed Villager, Darkbomb, or Implosion. If you want to remove the duplicates (which I actually don’t recommend but it may be more up some people's alley), you can put in Kazakus, or Reno Jackson too.

Cards to Remove: Dread Infernal as it costs a lot and doesn’t make that much of an impact. River Crocolisk, Murloc Raider, and Magma Rager could all be replaced by better minions with similar cost.

6-2. Zeromana님의 덱
덱 코드: AAECAf0GBDDjBfUF58ECDZMB2wP+A/cEzgfQB9kHsQi0rAL2rgKtvAKdwgKfwgIA

7-1. TommyJ님의 덱
덱 코드: AAECAaoIAA+/Ae4B7wGBAoUD/gOLBP4F0AfwB5MJ+Qr6qgL2vQKfwgIA

Strat TL;DR: Spam minions on the board, Evolve, and trade efficiently. If possible get down a Vicious Fledgling and buff it, but if it’s going to die don’t be scared to Evolve it. Save Hex for Sludge Belcher.

One cool thing about using this Devolve strat is that only one minion left on his board on turn 6 will actually return when the Lich King exits his Frostmourne phase, since his other 6 spots will be taken up by the now 2 drops. If you double Devolve, it means he will be left with 6 1 drops, which can really just clog up his board if you have something reasonable on your side.


Mulligan: Murloc Raider, Evolve, Vicious Fledgling, Feral Spirit, and/or any other early plays such as Murloc Tidehunter.

Cards to Add: Master of Evolution will help out a lot, as will cards like Primalfin Totem (synergy with Flametongue Totem, a potential “scary” target for Obliterate) or Mana Tide Totem (for draw).

Cards to Remove: Razorfen Hunter and Elven Archer are probably two of the most underwhelming and least useful cards in the deck.

7-2. Zeromana님의 덱
덱 코드: AAECAaoIAvUF0AcO2wP+A/UE8AeTCaC2AuO7Aq28AtG8Ava9ApHBAp3CArbNAovOAgA=

8-1. TommyJ님의 덱
덱 코드: 

Strat TL:DR: Build a board until the Frostmourne phase, use Shadow Word: Horror to transition, and continue through to finish him off while trading efficiently.

So with this one, I figured there were two ways to go for a win - either build a deck based around Inner Fire, or one that kills him normally, since Priest is one of the classes with a card that trivialises the second (and arguably most difficult) of the phases. I opted for normally purely because Obliterate is an ever present threat in this fight, and if the Lich King kills of your Inner Fire target, it’s game over.

The general strategy is try to survive and build a board early on in any way you can, and then on your seventh turn wipe as much of the Lich King’s board as possible, sacrificing any minions with 2 attack or less because they’ll die to Shadow Word: Horror on your next turn anyway. The goal then is to go into the final phase with at least remnants of a board, and from there can either rebuild before he can, or still have a fairly strong board and go for the win that way.


Mulligan: Northshire Cleric, and then anything low cost that you can use to defend it for card draw, such as Shadow Word: Pain or MINION.

Cards to Add: Lightwarden, Lightwell, and cards for the Divine Spirit/Inner Fire combo (however if you’re having bad luck with Obliterate, it can up the RNG requirement). Bonemare is also a good late game buffing card, giving you that 5/5 body and the +4/4 Taunt, but it does make a target susceptible to the Black Knight. Any high cost legendaries such as Dr. Boom would also be great.`

Cards to Remove: Elven Archer and Razorfen Hunter are both pretty average compared to other cards of similar value.

8-2. Zeromana님의 덱
덱 코드: AAECAa0GAA/tAfgC5QT2B/gHpQnRCtIK1wryDPsMoawCtbsC8LsC2MECAA==

9-1. TommyJ님의 덱

Strat TL;DR: Get Fledgling on board, protect it with your hero power and your minions, while buffing it by attacking. Fledgling has 2 required buffs - Windfury and Liquid Membrane (can’t be targeted by enemy spells/hero powers).

Similar to druid, you can actually put some cards that you know will get removed in this deck, since you’ll then have a higher chance to draw exactly what you need. Since I feel with a Rogue deck you need to win by turn 7 anyway, having a deck with 16 or so cards is advantageous. Once again there are technically two layers of RNG, in that you need to have a good enough draw to get out and protect the Vicious Fledgling, and then you either need to get the correct buffs, or hope that the Lich King doesn’t have an Obliterate. If you are unlucky and Liquid Membrane just isn’t appearing as an option, Stealthing on your final hit of each turn will have a similar effect if that happens to pop up, as well as preventing minions from taking it out.


Mulligan: Knife Juggler, Vicious Fledgling, and any early minions as they won’t be discarded.

Cards to Add: Weapons such as Perdition’s Blade or Assassin’s Blade may help with tempo. Strong in general but low cost minions.

Cards to Remove: Dragonling Mechanic is probably the minion with the least synergy in this deck, or remove spells if you feel comfortable with a bigger card pool.


9-2. Zeromana님의 덱
덱 코드: AAECAaIHAA+0AcUDywPbA/4DxgXjBYgH0Af5Cq28Avq9Ap3CAp/CApriAgA=

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