[ /] (수정) Aslain's ModPack v9.22.0 #04(03->04) / v9.21.0.3 #11(10->11) 및 패치용 Aslain's ModPack 최신버전 입니다.

이 게시물에서 ModPack v9.22.0 버전을 #04 버전으로 신규업뎃 합니다. (03->04)

이 게시물에서 ModPack v9.21.0.3 버전을 #11 버전으로 신규업뎃 합니다. (10->11)

핫산이 아시아서버용 모드팩도 신규업뎃을 해줬습니다!

그런데 P-mod 관련 충돌이 개선되었는지 아직 확인이 안됩니다.

현재 클라이언트 패치버전 상황

러시아, 유럽, 북미 서버 : (신규)

아시아 서버 :

모드팩 상황

러시아, 유럽, 북미 서버 : v9.22.0 #04 버전

(신규 클라이언트의 초기버전 모드팩이라 버그 많음)

아시아서버 : v9.21.0.3 #11 버전

(P-mod 관련 충돌이 개선되었는지 아직 확인이 안됬습니다)

만약 v9.21.0.3 #11 버전 P-mod 충돌이 계속 나타날시 해결방법

모드팩 설치시 P-mod 옵션들을 체크하지 말것.

P-mod 옵션 확인이 어려운 경우엔 모드팩 설치후, 아래 경로의 파일을 지워주면 됩니다.

games/world of tanks/mods/ 파일 삭제


v9.22.0 #04 (10-02-2018):
- updated contour icons: Frost, DEbranded, Wizard (yaya070)
- updated crosshair: Staple
- updated polish config for Marks of Excellence Extended
- updated Auxilium [added region changer]
- updated Annoying Features Remover
- updated Arty Log 
- updated PYmodsCore
- added DEbranded's equipment & skill icons
- added WWIIHWA Gun sounds

v9.22.0 #03 (08-02-2018):
- updated contour icons: Milkym4n, Webium
- updated ekspointCore
- updated aim circle in crosshair J1mbo Grabaah's Edit
- updated hitzone skins: GeneralVonRupa
- added sounds Echoes of War (guns and engines)
- removed hitzone skins Goharu [author is not updating them since 7 months now]

v9.22.0 #02 (07-02-2018):
- added Battle Results window by Ragnarocek
- added Gnomefather's Historical Realism Gun Sounds (Zorgane)
- added AutoAim Indication+ 
- added SafeShot
- updated Battle Observer v1.12.1 [ninja update 2]
- updated contour icons: Ghostman101278, Druid (sosaix_eu), PogS (Solo), corecroft27
- updated tech-tree icons: Ghostman101278
- updated Debug Panel by Ragnarocek
- updated Marks of Excellence Extended v4.01
- prevented installing Auxilium without any option selected
- info: if for some reason you again start to have a problems with shooting, remove either AAI+ or SafeShot or Battle Observer

v9.22.0 #01 (07-02-2018):
- updated crosshairs: J1mbo Grabaah's Edit
- updated contour icons: man1aq (wojtus11), Jackhammer (Patejl352), GolKosh, Panzerschiffer
- updated session stats YasenKrasen
- updated Battle Observer v1.12.1 [ninja update]
- added Change client language: PL
- fixed installation of Team WN8 on the battle interface: WinChance
- important note: Ekspoint has added new annoying feature to all his mods, a chat that will always be displayed in hangar even if you close its window with "X", to disable it we have to press L.ALT + V. I haven't updated that mods yet, so you'll not see this in the modpack currently, the bad thing is that his mods may crash occasionaly now (if I don't update them to the version with his chat). So I'm in a point where I have to decide if I still want to provide ekspoint's mods, because IMHO this is a little bit too much.

v9.22.0 #00 (07-02-2018):
- compatibility with WoT 9.22.0
- updated XVM 7.4.0
- updated contour icons: Aslain, Grandorf, Corehorn, Witblitz, Qualan, XSerzHX, J1mbo [the rest of countour icons is outdated]
- updated Premium tanks colored by gold (by Aslain)
- updated Class colored icons (by Aslain)
- updated Icons with better contrast (by TPblHbl4_78)
- updated Camouflage colored icons (by TPblHbl4_78)
- updated Compact horizontal tech-tree
- updated PMOD 0.9.22 #31-0
- updated Battle Hits Viewer v1.2.0
- updated Radio WG.FM v3.2.6
- updated Replays Manager v3.2.6
- updated Battle Observer v1.12.1
- updated hitzones: KoreanRandom
- updated SafeShot
- updated Tank gun directions on minimap
- updated Gun Constraints (gun traverse angle markers)
- updated vxSettingsApi and modslistapi [used in various mod]
- updated PYmodsCore used in few mods
- updated sights script
- updated white dead skins
- updated Battle Stats - statistics of players in battle without XVM
- updated WoT Tweaker Plus
- updated anti-mirror files
- updated crosshairs: Melty
- updated Marks of Excellence Extended
- updated language packs: RU, UA
- updated Hangar Manager 'HangMan' v2.21.3
- updated session stats: TimeSpent
- updated All Battle Results window mods (except for Ragnarocek which was removed for now)
- added Auxilium: Enable auto-mounting of camouflage [! ATTENTION ! the mod will dismount camouflage, emblems and inscriptions from all tanks on first usage, then it learn user choices and will automaticaly equip them!]
- removed mods: Johny_Bafak's Vertical Techtree, DEbranded's equipment & skill icons, YasenKrasen Text extension, Obj. 430 skins, all gun and engine sounds, Painted Rollers, region changer, Advanced tips for skills, AutoAim Indication+, SafeShot
- more updates and fixes (if required) later today, keep tuned up


다이렉트 다운링크:

v9.22.0 #04 버전 (러시아, 북미, 유럽 서버용)





(모두 동일 파일의 다운링크입니다. 넷 중 빠른걸로 받으세요)

v9.21.0.3 #11 버전 (아시아 서버용)





(모두 동일 파일의 다운링크입니다. 넷 중 빠른걸로 받으세요)

모드팩 인스톨 설명 동영상





모드팩 인스톨러 주의사항 


모드팩 설치시 미리보기를 꼭 체크하세요 (설치 진행 초반)



전차아이콘 옵션을 쓰기 위해선 미러반전 체크 필수



모드팩을 설치시 모드 폴더는 깨끗이 비우고 설치하세요 (설치 진행 후반)








