[1.0.0] (수정) Aslain's WoT ModPack v1.0.0 #11 (10c->11)

1.0.0 클라이언트 패치용 Aslain's ModPack 최신버전 입니다.

이 게시물에서 ModPack v1.0.0 #11 버전으로 신규업뎃 합니다.


v1.0.0 #11 (27-03-2018):
- updated XVM 7.5.1-dev [8265]
- updated Team WN8 on the battle interface [ekspoint]
- updated ekspointCore
- updated crosshair: J1mbo
- updated Damage Panel Zayaz and KobkaG (added separate option for the center repair panel)
- added crosshair: Harpoon mini [RU version]
- added Wide border of maps
- added contour icons: Man1aq (wojtus11)
- added tweaker options: Disable shadow under tanks, Disable Tree motion effects, Disable Clouds
- removed: Visual Camo Net (bugged)


v1.0.0 #10c (26-03-2018):
- updated Team WN8 on the battle interface [ekspoint]


v1.0.0 #10b (26-03-2018):
- updated Team WN8 on the battle interface [ekspoint]
- updated ekspointCore
- added contour icons: Man1aq (wojtus11)


v1.0.0 #10 (26-03-2018):
- added crosshair: Deegie, J1mbo
- added Two Steps From Hell Music Mod (beta) [works in general, with ErrorCode: 15 spam in logs]
- added Marks of Excellence Extended
- added ATAC!
- updated contour icons: Nikodemsky
- updated all crew sounds by Automatyk
- updated Visual Camo Net [important]

다이렉트 다운링크:



(모두 동일 파일의 다운링크입니다. 셋 중 빠른걸로 받으세요)

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