Title: Please don't nerf Ahri/Orianna

Seminole Sun (Member):

GD has taken on a very anti-Ahri/Orianna spin over the last couple weeks and I hope that Riot is actually NOT listening to them on this.

These two champs are very, very well balanced right now and it's only because of the previous (possibly excessive) nerfs that they've come to the forefront. I actually think Riot needs MORE champs like them. They have distinctive strengths and weaknesses and both have pretty high skill caps to get good at them (Orianna is arguably the hardest champ in the game to master).

Both of them are perceived as "safe" early laners but even so, we saw how good Gragas can potentially be against Orianna in several games. Ahri has a couple champs that she struggles against as well. So they're not without counters.

Anyway, I think the answer is to buff back some of the other champs (or possibly some older champs that time has forgotten... Anivia, for example). Orianna and Ahri should represent the "mendoza line" for champions. The fact that they're statistically "OP" right now should be a sign that it's time to stop the nerfs in general.

제목: 아리/오리아나 너프하지 마

Seminole Sun (유저):
(시간 없어서 짧게 쓰자면) 아리/오리아나 너프하라는 징징글 많은데 너프 ㄴㄴ.
걔네 밸런스 잘 맞음.

Morello (Lead Content Designer):

Ahri is definitely going to get changes, and most of them based around how much damage is loaded into the "free" parts of Foxfire and her ult. The changes will largely revolve around making her burst higher if she lands a taunt first.

Ahri, Fizz, Zed and Kassadin all have problems in how fast they burst, and how little you can do about it. We'll be retaining their roles as Assassins (though I'd wager Ahri, using more poke to set up, is likely more a mage) but fitting patterns that cause a bit more risk and reaction when doing so.

모렐로 (리드 컨텐츠 디자이너):

아리는 확실히 변화를 줄 겁니다. 대부분의 변화는 여우불과 궁극기만으로 "별 노력 없이" 많은 데미지를 주는 걸 고치는 방향이 될 것입니다. 아리가 매혹을 먼저 맞추었을 경우에만 높은 버스트 딜을 뽑아낼 수 있도록요.

아리, 피즈, 제드 그리고 카사딘은 그들이 굉장히 빠르게 버스트를 뽑아내고, 상대하는 사람이 그것에 대해 별달리 대처할 수 없다는 문제를 가지고 있습니다. 우리는 그들의 암살자 역할을 유지하면서도 (아리는 메이지에 좀더 가깝습니다만) 그들의 패턴이 좀더 리스크를 가지며, 대처 가능하도록 고치려 합니다.