안녕하세요 소환사 여러분

수정) 추가 해석/ 제목 수정  / 추가 질문과답 추가. 

그동안 게임 시작시 나는 절떄 탑만 갈꺼야, 탑아니면 트롤 이런거 들어보신적 있죠?! 
투탑이 갈때도, 투 미드가 투정글이 갈떄 다들 경험해 보셨으리라 생각됩니다.

현제 북미 라이엇에서는 이미 포지션을 정해 게임을 시작해 트롤팀으로 구성되 시간을 버리는 일을 막으려 
다음 PBE 에서 미리 챔피언/포지션 지망을 한후 게임에서 각각 포지션으로 이미 정해진 5멤버로 구성된 팀을 이룰수 있도록 할 예정입니다. 이 큐 (queues) 는 새로 도입될 Q 입니다. 현존하는 Q 를 대신하는 것이 아닙니다
(이 부분이 이해가 가지 않는 분들을 위해 추가 설명합니다. 현제 모드들은 그대로 보존하고 새로운 모드로 도입할 예정 이라는 것입니다)

========================================간단 요점 번역본 ========================================

안녕하세요 소환사 여러분, Lyte 이에요. 
좋은 팀은 챔피언 선택시부터 시작됩니다. 
이번에 선보일 "Team Builder" 는 좀더 합리적인 팀의 구성을 위해 만들어졌습니다.
이미 포지션별로 팀이 구성이 되었다면 이제 적팀을 무찌를 일만 남았죠! 

이번 팀 빌더는 각각의 플레이어가, 처음 하는 챔피언인지, 처음 가는 포지션인지,
각 포지션과 챔피언에 얼마나 적응이 되어있는지 또한 고려하여 좀더 알맞는 
상대팀 플레이어를 해당 포지션에서 만날수 있도록 만들었습니다 (better match making based on players' skills)

이 큐 (queues) 는 새로 도입될 Q 입니다. 현존하는 Q 를 대신하는 것이 아닙니다

===============================간단 요점 번역본(추가글/질문과답) =====================================
1) 메타를 강압하는 행위가 아닌가?
(아래 2번째 사진 참고)
A) 새로운 모드로서 소환사들이 새롭게 협동하여 전술적이고 즐거운 플레이 할수 있는 컨텐츠를 새로 
하나 추가한것입니다. 팀 전원이 팀과 챔피언 픽/전략에 대해 동의를 한 후 시작하게 됩니다.
어떠한 포지션에 2명이 가거나 다른 메타를 사용하셔도 무관하다는 말입니다. 5미드를 가게 되어도 다들 시작시
동의만 한다면 그런 메타를 사용 할수 있습니다. 

2) 이 모드는 현존하던 모드 (예:노멀) 을 대체해서 나오는 것인가요?
A) 새로운 모드 입니다. 현존하던 Q들은 그대로 유지됩니다.

3)많은 사람들이 원하는 포지션 (예:미드) 를 내가 가려고하면 Q를 잡는대 더 오래걸리나요?
A) 저희 조사에 의한 결과 Support:15% / Jungle:14% / 아무 포지션이나:5% 의 유저들이 
  표기된 각각의 포지션을 선호 하는것으로 나왔고 저희 또한 이 결과에 놀랐습니다. 또한, 이런 시스템이 나왔을 경우
   사람들이 많이 가지 않는 포지션을 지망하여 가는 사람들 또한 늘겄으로 예상됩니다. 
4)새로운 Team Builder 시스템에서  어떻게 팀의 리더 (방장) 가 되나요 ?
A) 이미 조성되어 시작되는 그룹 (친구들끼리) 라면 리더로 가서 전략 설정을 할수 있거나 , 혼자 챔피언과/롤/포지션을
정하여 내가 원하는 조건의 팀을 찾게 할수 있습니다. 

========================================      원본  ========================================
Hello Summoners!

Lyte here, and in this post I’m excited to talk with you about Team Builder, a new feature coming to PBE in the near future where you can queue up for a specific role, champion and position and get connected with four teammates that also preselected their preferred role. The goal is to build a balanced team where everyone’s in agreement on where they’re going and what they’re playing, and in doing so help lay the foundation for good teamwork. 

How often have you logged on to League of Legends and thought, “I just want to play Renekton today.” Or maybe you want to try a new strategy but can’t find four friends to premade with. We’re always asking how we can make the League of Legends experience better, and one thing that comes up a lot is how players want to feel like they’re in control of their pre-game experience.

Good teamwork doesn’t just start when the minions spawn or at the first big teamfight. It starts in champion select. Champion select sets the tone of the game and greatly impacts whether you feel like you’re going to have a fun match. So we asked ourselves: what’s the ideal champion select? And how can we improve this process so it happens more often? 

An ideal champ select is one where all five players get their preferred role and feel like they’re all on the same page for the upcoming match. The current matchmaking does a good job of matching up players of similar overall skill levels, but doesn’t have any way to know what a player’s intentions for a given game are. Sometimes things work out perfectly and everyone gets the champion and role they wanted without a hitch. But if multiple players are looking to play the same role or lane, a consensus has to be built in a relatively short period of time. That’s time that could be used to get to know each other, agree on a strategy and build confidence that it’s going to be a fun match. 

Team Builder is intended to bring players together that complement each other’s expectations and intentions from the moment they enter the lobby. When everyone’s aligned on who will be going where and playing what, the only thing left to figure out is how to dominate the opposition. 

Once we had a model for how Team Builder would bring players together, we started looking at matchmaking and how we could evolve it to help further enable good games. One of the most important things for a team’s enjoyment is making sure that they’re matched against similarly skilled players. 

With Team Builder we’ll also be rolling out a smarter matchmaking system that can dynamically account for your experience with a given role, position or champion. First time playing Ahri? Learning how to be a solid Marksman? Venturing into the jungle for the first time? Team Builder’s matchmaking will take all of these factors into account. .

Our goal for Team Builder is to bring players together and build better teams. Because good teams win more games, make bigger plays, and most importantly, have more fun. 

To us, that’s exciting, and we’re looking forward to your feedback. See you in Team Builder,



1) Won't this enforce the meta?

a) Here's an example of a crazy meta that was tried earlier in the day. Team Builder is all about introducing a new, cooperative Champion Select where players can agree to a strategy and team vision before entering a match. Players in Team Builder will be able to outline a strategy they are interested in playing, and the system will find teammates that share that vision. Feel like playing a double jungler strategy or want to send 5 players down the mid-lane? No problem. It might take longer to find 4 other players willing to try a crazy strategy but when you do, you'll know the entire team is bought in and you're going to have fun.

2) Will Team Builder replace other queues?
a) Team Builder is a complete re-design of Champion Select that was inspired by a lot of research on social dynamics and cooperation. Because we're going to iterate on it quite often with player feedback, we opted to create it as an independent queue first and not touch any of the existing queues. Depending on what we learn, we may adapt some or all of Team Builder into the existing queues.

3) Will I have long queue times if I want to play a popular role?
a) In our research, we were surprised that role preferences were pretty diverse. When we surveyed players and asked what their preferred role was, about 15% of players preferred playing Support, 14% of players preferred playing Jungle, and 5% of players were willing to fill any role.

We'll be keeping a very close eye on role popularity in Team Builder, but for now, it looks like there are players that are very happy to play the perceived least popular roles if there is a system like Team Builder in place to help create teams.

4) How can I play as a leader in Team Builder?
a) There are two flows in Team Builder. You can opt to be a leader of a group and define strategies for your team--this is usually the recommended path if you have a few premade friends and want to find a few strangers to fill out your team according to your desired composition.

You can also opt to be a solo player, choose a champion, role and position and ask the system to look for teams who are looking for your spec.

자료 출처 (북미 Lyte,Lead social system designer):
