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그냥 단지 프나틱에서의 짧은 여정에 대해 내 관점을 말하려고해

오프시즌이 끝나갈무렵 프나틱한테 제의를 받을땐 진짜 너무 행복했어. 팀에 잠깐밖에 못있었기에 어떻게해야할지몰랐고, LCS에서의 모든 경험은 나한테 하나의 모험이었어. 트라이아웃에서 잘했고 몇주후 IEM에서 뛰길 고대하고있었어. 트라이아웃할때는 스피릿 감수랑 같이 게임할수가없었고 그래서 팀에 색깔을 맞추는데 고생좀했지. IEM전에 겨우 2일 감수 스피릿이랑 연습할수있었고 따른 외국팀들상대로 잘할수있을지 몰랐어

우린 IEM에서 발버둥 쳤는데 커뮤니케이션 시스템도 안갖춰졌고 픽밴도 그냥 잘하는거 가져간거였어. 우리가 바란건 그냥 IEM에서 경험을 많이 하길 바랐어. 운영도 별로였고 자주 끊켜서 완전 솔로큐같았지. QG상대로 순전 개인 기량으로 한 경기는 이겼지만 시리즈는졌어

LCS시즌을 위한 연습전에 잠깐 휴식을 가졌고 모두가 집으로 돌아갔어. 그리고 다시 베를린에 모였을때 팀사기가 꾀 좋았고 QG와의 경기에서 잘못한거 잘한거 배우려고 했어. 우리가 처음 스크림할때 우리한테 맞는 색깔을 찾으려고 여러가지 스타일을 연습했어

그리고 머지않아 레클즈와 나는 라인전이나 전체적인 게임을 바라보는 관점이 많이 다른걸 알수있었어. 나는 그전에는 봇라인에 정글콜하고 공격적으로 플레이 하면서 상대를 압박하고 이득을 챙기고 상대한테 충분한 압박을 주면 그때 시야를 먹었어. 반대로 레클즈는 정글콜 별로안하고 주어진상황에서 최대한 효율적으로 라인전하려고했어 우리는 중심점을 찾으려고했지만 결과는 시너지도없고 시야도 못먹는 결과가 나왔어.

앞에서 말했듯이, 맨첨에 게이밍하우스에 왔을때 난 진짜 내가 뭘 해야할지 몰랐어. 전에는 팀에서 우리는 하루종일 솔로큐하고 스크림했어. 프나틱에선 요가레슨을  받고, 스포츠심리학 수업받고, 영어수업하고(한국인들), 메일 팀미팅 그리고 비디오 촬영. 내가 전에 했던만큼 솔로큐할 시간을 확보하기가 어려웠지. 몇몇은 솔큐하려고 아침일찍일어났는대, 나는 늦은아침에 플레이하는걸 선호하는 스타일이라..

시간이 좀더있었다면 레클즈와 내가생각한 가장 큰문제인 오더부분에서 커뮤니케이션을 좀더 잘할수있었을거라 생각해. 4주가 지났는대도 레클즈와 나와 스피릿 사이에 시너지가 충분히 개선되지못했다는 관점에도 동의해. 팀원간의 시너지에 있어선 모두의 일이기도해.

내가 밴치로가게된건 시너지의 문제였지 실력의 문제가 아니였어. 나는 프나틱이 나에게 엄청난 기회를 준거에 너무나도 감사해. 게임에 대해서도 그리고 프로팀에 대해서도많이 배울수있었어. 상위권팀과 하위권팀간엔 구조적으로 엄청난 차이가있고 난 이제 둘다 어느정도 알게됬어. 레클즈가 새로운 서포터와 함께 좀더 나은 시너지를 만들길 바래. 이번달 말부터 나는 다시 FA가 되고 아직 계획은 없지만 내 미래에 대해 엄청 기대하고있어. 고마워

원문   출처 : noxiak 페이스북


I just want to share my viewpoint of my short journey in Fnatic.

When i got offered a spot in FNC during the end of the offseason i was really happy. I didnt really know what to expect since i only played for short periods in Teams, and eventho i had some LCS experience this felt like an adventure for me. The tryouts went really well so i was looking forward to play IEM some weeks later. We didnt play with Spirit and Gamsu during the tryouts so the team had to find a new Identity with them. We had only couple of days practice before we had to play the tournament, and we didnt really know how we would compete against the other international teams.
We struggled at IEM because we had no real communication system and the pick and ban phase was based on compfortpicks mostly. Our expectations were to get as much experince as we can during that tournament. The games looked alot like soloq cause we got often caught and we didnt rotate well either. We won one game pretty much based on our individual skill against QG but we lost the series 1-2.

Moving forward we took a break and everyone went home for some weeks before we started to practice for LCS. When everyone was back in Berlin the teammoral was quite good and everyone handled the loss against QG good. When we started scrimming we tried alot of different Teamcomps and playstyles to see what fits us best.

I noticed pretty fast that Rekkles and i had very different ideas on how to play the lane and the game in general. From my teams before i was used to having jungle pressure around bot which enables you to play aggressiv and get advantages in lane and once youre ahead you have enough pressure to roam and built up vision. Rekkles was pretty much the opposite he was used to a low jungle pressure and playing the lane efficently as he can. We tried to balance our approaches but neither of us was really able to fix it. This resulted in a very low synergy between us, and that results also into a bad vision game.

As mentioned when i came to the house i did not really know what i should expect. In my previous teams we basicly played the whole day soloq and scrimmed, in FNC we had Yoga lessons, Sportpsychology lessons, english lessons (for the koreans), daily teameetings, video shoots. It felt hard play the same amount of soloq from what i usually did. Some players woke up really early to do it but im the kind of player that prefers to play late over in the morning.

I think i coudlve done more communicationwise for the team in terms of shotcalling which was a big task for Rekkles and i believe with more time i wouldve improved in that. I agree on the point that we didnt improve fast enough since after 4 weeks the synergy between me rekkles and spirit was pretty much the same as in the start. I think also that improving in that part is everyones task.

The reason of me getting benched wasnt gamerelated atleast not underperforming related is was synergy-improvment related.

Im really grateful for the oppurtunity that FNC gave me. I feel like i learned alot about the game and in general about teams. There is a big differnce structurewise between bottom tier teams and toptier teams and i got some insight in both now. I hope that Rekkles can get a better synergy with the new support. Moving forward i will be a free agent at the end of this month. Im not quite sure yet on what i gonna do now, but im exicted for the future grin 이모티콘