MapleStory in Korea: Q1 revenue fell slightly below our forecast, however our strategy of throttling monetization in favor of improving player engagement had a positive impact. MapleStory’s Net Promoter Score, an indicator of player satisfaction, improved by 14 points between January and April.

-> 메이플 이익 떨어진 거 맞다. 근데 체질개선하느라 그랬다. 고객 만족도는 올랐다.
=팩트는 게임은 건강해지는 중이다.

PC revenues in Korea decreased by 6% year over year. Strong contributions from Wars of Prasia and MapleStory Worlds were offset by decreased revenues from FC ONLINE and MapleStory.

-> 한국 PC게임 revenue는 6퍼센트 떨어짐. 프라시아 전기랑 메월드가 캐리했는데 FC 온라인이랑 메이플이 좆박았음.
(내가 경알못이라 revenue가 매출인지 영업이익인지 헷갈려서 그냥 원문 씀)
=나만 ㅈ박은거아니다 ㄱㅊ음

Given the challenging year-over-year comparison for FC ONLINE and Wars of Prasia, we expect revenues from our Korea business to be in the range of ¥48.6 billion to ¥51.7 billion,  representing a 22% to 17% decrease (27% to 23% decrease on a constant currency basis) year over year.

As explained previously, our strategy of prioritizing the improvement of player engagement and satisfaction in MapleStory delivered early good progress. As a result, we expect MapleStory’s revenue to return close to the previous year level and to increase quarter over quarter despite the typical weak seasonality in Q2.

-> FC온라인은 최소 17% 떨어짐.
위에 말했다시피 메이플은 고객 경험 개선이 우선이라 매출은 뒷전이었음. 그래도 우리 생각보다 잘나왔고, 이 시기가 전통의 비수기인걸 감안하면 ㅍㅌㅊ다.
=팩트는 메릿고개 콘크리트층은 굳건하다는거임

특이한게 같은 단락에서 FC는 명백하게 얼마 떨어졌다고 썼는데 메이플은 언급 안해서 FC도 가져옴

MapleStory: Beginning April 18, Nexon hosted many events in support of the Anniversary update to enhance player engagement. In late June, we are planning to introduce the large-scale Summer update.

-> 우리6월에 쇼케 할거임 흥할 수 있게 많관부
=큰거온다 메소 사재기해라

In the first half 2024, a top priority has been re-energizing blockbuster titles, including MapleStory and Dungeon&Fighter. These engines of revenue are the foundation of our business and fundamental to Nexon’s long-term strategy of steady, if non-linear growth.
When challenges were identified from late Q4, we quickly diagnosed and addressed them with content solutions and changes to a business model. To date, we’ve seen early progress on MapleStory in Korea and, for Dungeon&Fighter in China, we’ve created a roadmap for further improvements over the course of the year.

-> 메이플 다시 살리는 게 우리 최선 과제임.
4분기 말에 '문제들'에 직면했지만 '해결'했다. 우리 예상대로 상황이 진전하고 있다.
=아직 최종뎀 남았는데 그건 다른거 터지면 덮어야해서 ㄱㄷㄱㄷ