게임초대 시스템 출처 : http://forums.euw.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=14497486#post14497486

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euw서버에서 RiotBrokenSword의 AMA중 나온내용입니다.

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저희는 현재 게임초대 시스템을 재개발하고 있습니다. 지금으로부터 2번의 패치 이내에 나올겁니다. 저는 여러분의 피드백을 받기위해 따로 공지하겠습니다. 여러분은 초대권한을 누군가로부터 주는것과 비슷하게 게임의 소유권이전을 할 수 있을겁니다. 그 게임의 픽과 밴을 맡는 "주장"이 되는거죠.

이건 많은 추가점들의 하나입니다. 나머지는 공지에서 설명하겠습니다.

We're currently rebuilding the Game Invitations system. That should come out in two patches from now. I'll announce it to get your feedback on it. You'll now be able to transfer ownership of a game to someone, similar to giving them an invite privilege. That will be make them "Captain" of that game, putting them in the position to make the picks and bans. 

That's one of many new additions. I'll explain the rest in the announcement.

또한, 작년에 컨셉아트를 공개 했던 아오신은 컨셉과 이야기에 맞게 작업할 것이 많아 '아마' 올해 안나올거라는 얘기도 하고있네요.

Ao Shin is very, very far down the road. Probably not even this year. There was a lot we learned about him after we introduced his concept art. His concept at a character has changed dramatically, but much for the better. It will take a while to develop an excellent kit that matches his lore.