출처: http://www.surrenderat20.net/2014/06/red-post-collection-ironstylus-on-scope.html#more


원문: Future VU's & Morgana
IronStylus also replied to a summoner's request for a list of champions who are up for a VU in the near future, which was hidden in an old thread discussing a potential Morgana VU:

"I wish I could share such a list, but most likely not. Our priorities can sometimes change, or something could explode, get re-slotted, etc.

There's a lot of factors in how we consider candidates for VU's or even more overhaul. If it's mainly art, each discipline will go in and grade at what level they feel the current execution is. So in someone like, let's say, Morgana's situation, concept, 3D, animation, etc, will give her low marks. That will decide how much in need she is from an artistic standpoint. Now this need could be really high, but cross reference that with how much of the champion we see in the game, is that champion in need of a gameplay overhaul, etc. That will slide up or down the likely hook of us devoting resources to a character and in what order in front of or behind other characters.

Other things to consider are opportunities, or "low hanging fruit" (I hate that term). Which means, is the bang for the buck substantial? Will the proposed changes really enhance how much love this character gets from players? Is this character thematically a home-run and doesn't need much ideation? Those factors can dictate whether or not we take on something which is merely fidelity, like Karthus, versus something that's akin to making an entirely new champion, like Sion.

Further variables arise when the team itself is taken into consideration. How much work will this character need? Is it excessively animation or VFX heavy? How many skins does the character have? These factors can be mitigated by bandwidth, resources on the team, team excitement, etc. Right now, I think the team is more interested in tackling Eve than Morgana honestly despite them needing about the same amount of work.

All of these factors fluctuate. As we dig into our roster and analyize them by plugging in these data points, we sorta get this order of priority spat out. However, we don't just stick with what an excel spreadsheet tells us. We're going to weigh costs and benefits.

So, while we currently have our "fantasy slotting" of champions on our hit list for the rest of this year and the next, we're going to go back in and analyze our decisions and see what's actually possible to make and at what cadence. I'd love to be able to post that up, but I have a feeling my producers wouldn't really be cool with that. Heh. 
I think when we have it more or less locked down, we can start talking about characters we really want to tackle without spelling out specifically what we're doing in what order. I'm very wary of raising expectations.. I also don't like ruining surprises when we have some potentially in store ;)"

He then shared a few of his thoughts on a POTENTIAL Morgana VU in the future.

When asked if a potential Morgana VU would "have legs", IronStylus noted:

"Are we talking about like.. visible legs in a potential new design? Or legs modeled, rigged, etc, but still under the dress? 
Personally I'd like her to show some leg in a VU. The animators aren't a fan of full blown dresses. The Karma example is a decent parallel in terms of geometry separation. The cloth difficulties are abundant with hand animating cloth of that volume. I think it should still have a distinct, big silhouette, but I'd like there to be cuts in her dress personally. 
As for whatever design we do choose, we'll build legs in there regardless just in case future skins require them." 

When asked if there were any specific Morgana VU concepts floating around, he commented:

"Welp, right now we just have a cool concept that Zeronis did. It's the only one sitting around, but we haven't had any open meetings about it to discuss if it's where we want to go with her. I mean, it's ****ing cool, but maybe we want to add something, or push it in a particular direction. 
I'd be interested as to what people would associate a good example of her trope in popular media. Right now she's a bikini-torso-angel with runny mascara atop a no-legged, metal, swank-moving Christmas tree. Is there a better execution we could do? I'd like to think so. Is there a fallen angel trope that we could glom onto? I'd like to hear suggestions if anyone has ideas.

I personally think she could be awesome."

He continued, responding to a request to show off the concept and what he thinks of Morgana's walk animation:

"I agree with the above points about her. I think those are the bare minimum to retain. Though honestly, I think Kayle could use a bit of updating herself. I'm really interested how to tie those two together more. I'd like to define them and really set them as antithetical to each other. 
Showing off the concept won't be possible, unfortunately.

I was wondering about the walk myself. If it should stay the sort of trudgey, heavy walk, or should she have some sort of floating effect like Karthus or Malz. Personally there's something sorta cool about her walk, I think we just have to find a way to make it just not look so low fidelity. But who knows, we might experiment with floating, or maybe sometimes floating, or just a different walk cycle. That'll be a whole lot on the animators for that job."

As for Morgana's ( particularly Ghost Bride Morgana ) long flowing dress remaining iconic, he noted:

"I really like GBM, and I understand the iconicism of the dress. I'm cool with it quite honestly, we'll have to see what sort of challenges it presents to the animators or what the best interperetation is in whatever concept we end up at."

In a hypothetical world where the team had a concept for a Morgana VU, IronStylus commented on "how much work" it would take in comparison to our previous VUs:

"I'd say she's probably a similar amount of work as karthus. That's a HUGE generalization, but both are mages, they've got lots of VFX heavy spells, cloth animation, and have the same number of skins. I think we finished the concept for Kathrus sometime in February. So theoretically, if we dropped everything, yeah, it could be done before the end of 2014, but unless you'd like to hand over a fresh 3D modeler, 2 more animators, and 1.5 VFX artists it's not going to get done any faster :P"

When asked again if he could provide some sort of list on what champion VUs to expect coming down the pipeline, he reminded:

"I had mentioned in a previous post.. somewhere.. that this is eventually where I'd like to get in terms of our team's messaging. I'd like to say who's directly in the pipeline and who's sort of next on the priority list in no particular order, as well as what candidates we have, what's in scope, what's out of scope, etc. What you've listed above is something I had planned on talking to the team about actually. I think it's valuable to show players what it takes to get through the various types of updates and how we track on them in a general sense. a) I think it's a fun insight, and b) considering the champions are already out, there's not as much secrecy needed, at least that's how I see it. 
All that would be laden with a heavy dose of "**** could change any minute, mind you." kinda talk. 
As they say..."
[ For anyone who may have ignored the previous warnings, I'd like to reiterate IronStylus is talking ab out PRE CONCEPT - this isn't a promise for a Morgana VU or even a hint that it's on the way. ]




VU후보 리스트를 정하는 요인은 몇 가지가 있어서 순위가 계속 변하는데, 모르가나는 대체적으로 좋지못한 점수를 받아 이번에 모르가나가 올라옴.


유저: VU가 되면 모르가나 다리를 볼 수 있을까? 하앜
IronStyle: 긴 치마를 좋아하는 animater가 없어서 아마 볼 수 있을듯ㅋ 좀 더 이야기가 필요한 부분이지만, 위에는 비키니를 입고 밑에는 철로된 무지 긴 크리스마스트리를 입고다니는 패션이니만큼 새로운 패션에 대해 유저의 목소리를 들을 필요도 있다고 봄. 아마 짱 멋있어질듯


걷는 모션에 대해서는 VU후 지금처럼 모르가나가 걸어다닐 수도 있고 케일처럼 떠서 날아다닐 수도 있음. animater들이 알아서 하겠지 뭐.


아까 치마와 관련해서, 유령신부 모르가나는 긴 드레스가 상징이라는 걸 인정함. 컨셉이 어찌되든지 간에 유령신부 모르가나가 어떻게 변할지에 대해 잘 지켜볼거임.

VU가 된다면 아마 카서스VU 급으로 이루어질 것임. 만약 다른 모든 업무를 포기한다면 모르가나 VU가 올해안으로 이루어 질 수도 있겠지만 그럴 순 없으니 그렇게 되길 원한다면 우리에게 아주 신선한 직원들을 넘겨. 1명의 3D모델러와 2명의 animater, 그리고 1.5명의 VFX(비쥬얼이펙트) 아티스트를 말이야.


모르가나 VU의 콘셉들을 말해주긴 했지만 말야,

난(IronStylus) 절대 현재 모르가나VU가 확정되었다고 한 적 없어.